Is this an issue with test kit?

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Fish Crazy
Dec 16, 2006
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Just looking for a bit of help, I have an all in test kit, recent test has come up with 0 alkilinity(kh) and 6.8 pH but gh of either 150 or 300? Its hard to tell because the colour chart doesnt match exactly with the strip. Would it be likely that the water parameters are as above or more likely the teat strip inacurrate. I have just ordered aliquid gH test strip.
Im concerned because I added rocks and hope theyre not effecting the water.
What were previous test results, for GH, KH and pH, and have those numbers been relatively stable until now? And do you know the type of rock? It is certainly possible the rocks are causing the rise in GH if they are calcareous. I would expect a rise in pH and probably KH as well, but I am not a chemist.
You could test tapwater for a baseline, for comparison.
You may be jumping ahead of yourself here, since this now seems to have been the only test on the tank water.

Test the tap water on its own. Also, look up the water data on the website of your water authority and see if they give this data (many do), that at least will be reliable (or should be) for comparison.

There is no info on the composition of this rock; it does look something like rock I had years ago, and it was inert, but that is just my guess.
Since you got the rock from Pro Shrimp I assume you are in the UK? Your water company should give your hardness (GH), though it could be in a unit not used in fish keeping so make a note of that as well as the number. Very few companies give KH though; if yours is one that does they'll call it alkalinity rather than KH.
Hardness clarke 8.33
Calcium 36.9 mg Ca/L

Think the utilities have changed what results they display but this is what I can see on the page
Hardness Clarke converts to to 6.7 dH and 119 ppm. This is actually soft water - water company words always make the water sound harder than it really is.
Is the 36.9 mg/l calcium from the hardness section or in the water quality report? If it's from the water quality report, it is amount of just calcium whereas hardness measures calcium, magnesium and trace amounts of other metals. [mg/l calcium is also used in the hardness section but here is it not actually the amount of calcium but all the hardness minerals as though they were all calcium. It takes a while to get your head round that concept]

Have you tested your tap water to see if your tester agrees with the water company?
I havent yet, ill have to do it in the morning, will i need to let the water stand for a while first?
No you can test hardness, and everything except pH, in freshly run water. It's only pH that should be tested in both freshly run and some that's been allowed to stand.
So I just tested the water with a new liquid tester and it came out as 6dh for the tank and 4dh for the tap water.
So I just tested the water with a new liquid tester and it came out as 6dh for the tank and 4dh for the tap water.
I think that works out as 60 and 90 ppm?
So hopefully the rocks are inert or at least not altering the gh too much. I'll keep testing every week, hopefully with weekly water change it will remain around the 6dh as I want to keep soft water fish
So I just tested the water with a new liquid tester and it came out as 6dh for the tank and 4dh for the tap water.
I think that works out as 60 and 90 ppm?
So hopefully the rocks are inert or at least not altering the gh too much. I'll keep testing every week, hopefully with weekly water change it will remain around the 6dh as I want to keep soft water fish

The GH would seem to be rising in the tank, so it is a good idea to keep an eye on it, as over time--if the rock is doing this--it will usually continue to rise. If you do massive water changes that will bring it down obviously, but it would help to know just what it will do before that. Test prior to the water changes so you know the 7-day difference, and test after the W/C so you know what it is going forward.

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