Is This Algae Bad?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 26, 2005
Reaction score
Brighton, England

I have got a juwel rio 240 with standard lighting/ filtration. Over the last few weeks I have noticed a steady build up in the algae pictured below which is on my gravel and rocks/wood. Is this algae bad? If so is there a way to combat it? I currently have my lights setup for 5hrs on, 2 hrs off, 5 hrs on giving 10 hours daily. I do weekly water changes of about 20%. I do have plants but no CO2 and only about 1.8 wpg lighting.

Anybody have any pointers as its starting to look really ugly.





I have got a juwel rio 240 with standard lighting/ filtration. Over the last few weeks I have noticed a steady build up in the algae pictured below which is on my gravel and rocks/wood. Is this algae bad? If so is there a way to combat it? I currently have my lights setup for 5hrs on, 2 hrs off, 5 hrs on giving 10 hours daily. I do weekly water changes of about 20%. I do have plants but no CO2 and only about 1.8 wpg lighting.

Anybody have any pointers as its starting to look really ugly.





The bottom one looks a bit like Blue Green Algae, which is slimy and not an algae, it's a bacteria. But if it's more fibrous then i doubt it's that. Removal of BGA is a 3 day total blackout-cover tank, no lights for 3 days and that will probably get rid of it.
Thers planty of info on the forum for BGA and see also GF225spost at the top re algae.

Just worth mentioning that, although a blackout will probably clear this algae, once the lighting is back on
if could soon return if the same water conditions exist.

I'd try to clear it, but also look more into what caused it to prevent it returning

There is plenty of information available that can help, but it's often easier said than done :sad:

Not sure what your water parameters are or how many plants you have in your tank ... .. but if you have room I'd try adding some medium lighting, fast growing stem plants to help your plants compete with the algae.
That green tufty one is a form of BBA - it's a pest and you should get rid of it asap before it invades and takes over your gravel as well as wood. And it's very hard to remove once your tank is infested with it. They have like a little "foot" you can just pinch off. But quite soon they will be sprouting up everywhere.

See this thread of mine - when I thought it was lovely. Before it became a massive problem and even somehow managed to get into one of my other tanks (must be from a shared net or similar).

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