The photo is not too clear, but as you are there to see the actual fish, the following may help:
There are several near-identical species within Crossocheilus, and they are occasionally seen in the hobby. Their usefulness as "algae eaters" is variable, depending upon the species. Then there are two other fish often confused with the SAE, known as the False Siamese Algae Eater, Garra cambodgiensis, and the Flying Fox, Epalzeorhynchos kalopterus. Both of these regularly appear in the hobby, but neither will handle brush/beard algae like the common SAE. The False SAE can be distinguished by the dark lateral band that ends at the caudal peduncle whereas on the SAE (species is Crossocheilus langei) this band continues into the caudal fin. The Flying Fox has white-edged red and black coloured fins, not clear fins as in C. langei.