Is This A Shrimp Or Snail?


Mr. Terrorcore!
Apr 22, 2009
Reaction score
Nuneaton, Warwickshire
I've got a Red Cherry Shrimp tank... and other than shrimp there are snails in there (pest snails).

But now and then I see a very very, very small white spot kind of swimming through the water then landing on the glass or sand.

Now I know shrimp swim thro the water, so that makes me belive it's a shrimp... yet i'm sure I haven't had a pregnant female, yet :unsure:

Any ideas lol?
I get these in my shrimp tank, not 100% sure but I think they are copepods. Top of the list here:
That's them, I think! Won't harm the shrimp will they?

I want to add my Assassin Snails from my other tank into my shrimp tank to wipe out the pest snails and possibly them other things... just worried incase the assassins turn on my shrimp :crazy:
Well there have been reports of assasin snails preying on perfectly healthy shrimp, so it is a risk, but generally they are ok and cherry shrimp will out-breed them anyway.

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