Is This A Saddle?


Jul 30, 2009
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This is a pic of one of my red cherry shrimp. Is the yellow thing I circled a saddle? I noticved that 2 of my shrimp had these! Thanks.


Cool, thanks. Could it be that the eggs are unfertilized and won't hatch? All of my shrimp are female o.o but I only had the shrimp for 3 days. They might've mated when they were still in the pet shop, and I only noticed the saddle today. Anyway I'm just wondering f its possible that the eggs areent fertelized.
Cherries sometimes do have ghost pregnancies (unfertilised) but they breed so easily (give them a temp higher then 15C with a male and female and you are guaranteed to have a pregnant female) that it is hard to tell unless your watching when they hatch. Also virtually every fish loves some nice crunchy baby shrimp. Either it is a saddle or it just fed on some yellow food, the colouration of the shrimp appears a bit light to be heavily pregnant could just be a genetic defect though so again not a good indicator.
Eggs inside the shrimp are unfertilised. It usually takes a few hours to a day for the female to drop the eggs to her swimmerets (swimming legs) after mating with a male. If all your shrimps are females and they are not carrying eggs on their swimmerets after 3 days of keeping them then it's unlikely that they will give you any babies soon. Well, not until the next time they molt AND you have a male :)
That's too bad. I really wanted to see some baby shrimp. Well, hopefully I'm wrong about only having females :/. I'm not yet an expert of sexing shrimp so theres a chance :p. Thanks for your help.

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