Is This A Reasonable Stocking List?


New Member
Apr 10, 2006
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I'd like to do this with a new 55 gallon tank i'm getting:

2-4 discus
1 angel
10 neon tetra
3 clown loaches
3 corydoras
(maybe 1 pleco)

does this sound reasonable?
I used to have angels and tetra's together and they nevvvver ever bothered them! Everyone's been telling me angels and discus do well together, and i only do want 1 angel. any other opinions on my stock list? suggestions on anything?
someone who i know had angles and put loads of neons in the same tank and woke up in the morning and there was not one neon!
Unless you really know what you're doing, I wouldn't go with Discus. Especially not with so many other fish that might startle/pick on them...

Just a suggestion.

at my lfs they said bottomfeeders and such dont bother discus one bit.....hmm
at my lfs they said bottomfeeders and such dont bother discus one bit.....hmm

Bristlenose plecs are common tankmates for discus, since larger bottomfeeders that are more active (cories, common plecs) tend to make them nervous and can startle them. At least that's what I hear from most of the more professional discus keepers.

I'm sure there are certain top-dwellers that should be fine in a discus tank too, but I'd bet that shiny ones (like hatchetfish) would continually startle them...

most lfs people will say what the hell they feel might help sell a fish. seriously never trust them. clown loaches grow to big for the tank simple as discus are for expert fishkeepers only as they are tricky to keep healthy, angels and neons can work but it all depends, why bother to ask a question if when you receive an answer you simply disagree, if thats your attitude simply get what you want and enjoy wasteing your money and flushing the dead fis! i dont mean to be aggresive im just trying to get my point across to you.

now onto helping you angels would be fine in that tank just keep either 1 a male and female pair or a minimum of 6, instead of clown loaches perhaps khuli loaches or a corydoras of some sort of plec.

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