Is This A Ramshorn Snail?


Fish Fanatic
Jul 19, 2007
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Is this a ramshead snail? It has a hard foot at the bottom, so maybe its a Marisa cornuarietis... I wasn't sure. Thanks.
If you mean it has no operculum, then it wont be a ramshorn snail, how big is it, and do you have lots in your tank.
Just bought the one for algae munching. Its about the size of a quarter
If you mean it has no operculum, then it wont be a ramshorn snail,
Meant to say "If you mean it has an operculum, then it wont be a ramshorn snail" :blink: .

Just thought I should correct that :rolleyes: .

If that's the case then it will be a young Marisa cornuarietis, so your original thinking was correct. Watch your live plants :good: .
Yep, its a Marisa. Not very good at all at eating algea, none of the ones I have kept show any intrest in it at all.

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