Is This A Normal Oto?


Fish Gatherer
Apr 29, 2005
Reaction score
South Carolina... Smiling Faces, Beautiful Places.
Here's a pic of an oto I have that looks different from the others. The normal ones (first pic) have a black stripe and creamy belly. This one is a bit bigger, and has brown dots covering him. He has a very blurry 'stripe' that is brown dots, actually. Just want to make sure it's not something different that will outgrow the 20-gal I have him in. (Sorry the pix are a little blurry!)
Thanks! oto_norm.jpgoto_odd_2.jpg
That looks like some sort of plec rather than an oto? Hard to tell which type, but maybe a baby common or baby common BN? Edited to add: If it's a BN it might be okay in a 20g. If it's a common or similar plec, I'm afraid it won't be in the long run.
We bought a group of 5 oto a few months ago, and four look like your first, and the other one looks like your spotted one. I did a search and found that you get a spotted oto called a peppered oto. They grow a bit bigger than the other otos.

Does it look like this


Keep well and hope this helps
Carmen :D
Great to hear that you've got you answer. After reading the description in the PlanetCatfish, I was surprised to read it said they were a bit aggresive. I have to say, mine ignores the other otos but also the rest of the fish in the tank. I have been on the lookout for others, since the other otos hang out together, I wouldn't mind getting another one of this species. Has yours acted differently to the other otos? I do love mine though, have to say, it's one of my favorites (I do have many favorites). And I'd also say mines a female, as it looks just like our breeding females of the other oto variety. :wub: She is a bit bigger than the other otos too, just a few mil. :D
I haven't found it to be aggressive at all. it just ignores everything else. the fact that they all don't hang together is what got my attention to begin with.
I hope it doesn't get lonely... I don't think the store here sell those particular ones. This is the only one I've ever seen, and I think I got it on accident really. ALL the others looked normal.
Thanks again!
I haven't found it to be aggressive at all. it just ignores everything else. the fact that they all don't hang together is what got my attention to begin with.
I hope it doesn't get lonely... I don't think the store here sell those particular ones. This is the only one I've ever seen, and I think I got it on accident really. ALL the others looked normal.
Thanks again!

Sounds pretty much like us. We decided to get 5 otos and only after looking at the pic (of them in the bag) did we realize we had a different oto in the tank. She seems ok, but I would love to get her some mates. Just haven't seen them anywhere else so far :/

Keep well and good luck with your lot
Carmen :D

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