Is This A Good Idea?


Chuck Norris is the reason why waldo's hiding
Oct 20, 2005
Reaction score
San Jose,California
After buying my first live stock which was a Clownfish. I am starting to think about the clean up crew. I was thinking of getting 3 Astrea Snails, 2 Nassarius snails, and 2 Blue Legged Crab, and 1 Cleaner Shrimp. Also I think im going to get another Clownfish because the one I have keeps hanging aroung the toy clownfish I have in my tank. :p
Hmm.. ok.. well i would have recomended your cleanup crew to be placed into the tank first.
No matter, its vitally important you add the cleanup crew now though so adding these to your system is a good kmove. Remember that you need a minimum of 1 cleanup crew per gallon of tank.
Yeah well I completely forgot how important they were while I was at the LFS, I'll propably get them on Tuesday.
clowns really need to be kept in pairs, also cleaner shrimps like to be in pairs too. they tend to hide away when kept on their own....well in my experiance anyway
is the clown you have quite big? if its small try and get a larger clown, this will become the female of the pair and they should settle down.

idealy they should be bought as a pair and the one that grows the fastest will become the female.
YA shrimps do enjoy pairs My cleaner shrimp is very active and I'm lucky because I only have one but most of the time its not that way, When You acclimate your shrimp w/e one you pick make sure you take your time its very easy to kill them they shock easily, within minutes too. Get a small one so you can watch it grow, It seems larger ones dont change in personality as much as when they are little and when biggere htey may be prone to hiding more if caught wild.
How can you add a cleanup crew before you add fish if you dont have any alage or anything for the crew to clean up. Won't they die? This is something that has confused me for awhile now.
well i dont know about you but while my tank was cycling, i got algae blooms, hair algae and the like. saved me a job of cleaning the tank every other day.

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