is this a good deal?


Feb 22, 2004
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I have the possibility to buy a 80 us gallons tank with stands, accesories, and fish (malawi cichlids).
this comes to 840$...

the tank is 4 years old, but in perfect condition

please give me your opinion...

(it's a jewel rio 300, maybe you know this...)
IMO it isn't but then I don't know what kind of stand or what fish are included which could make it a deal. Somebody else can give you a better opinion.
i know the rio 300 its in black ash isnt it brand new they cost £439 so thats about $750 right as its 4 yrs old id have to say no as i have been offered the rio 400 in beech with fluval 404 external 1 large arrowana,1 stingray large sand lighting and accesories for £500 only 7months old($890 )so id do a google serch and check out prices on used tanks first :shifty: :shifty: :shifty: :shifty:
If the water is included in the price - I'd jump at the chance

Make sure they pay for the postage though :rofl:
I thought it wasn't really a good deal, so I passed up on it.
I was just in doubt because the seller said the newly bought price was much higher.
I don't know a lot about malawi cichlids, so then I thought it must be the fish :)
i work in my LFS and we sell thoses tanks for £300 that about 400dollars
they way you said it your gettin riped off becasue you havnt said what acceserries your gettin with it??
schzaam said:
i work in my LFS and we sell thoses tanks for £300 that about 400dollars
they way you said it your gettin riped off becasue you havnt said what acceserries your gettin with it??
i meant with accessorys eg gravel and external filter :rofl:
it's just completely setup, with the stones typical for a malawi tank and such.
about 40 malawi cichlids in there.

what would be a good price?
it it's that bad a deal, they won't get rid of it I guess, so maybe they will lower their price...
40 cichlids in an 80 gallon? Wow, that's pushing it. I know you're supposed to overstock those fellas but when they all reach full length you'll barely have any water in there between all those fish! :crazy:
depends on what cichlids r in there. some are really costly, so it minght not have been a bad deal because of the fish. but i f u want a big tank go 2 a walmart or something like it. they have some big tanks that are cheaper then anywereive ever went to.

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