Is This A Good Community For A 20 Gallon Tank? Tropical?

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Fish Fanatic
Jan 30, 2012
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Hello. Does this sound like a good community for 20 gallon tropical tank?
Neon Tetras,
Zebra Danios?

Not sure how many of each.
I would get 5 of each. Or if you think that's a little too much, get
-3 male guppies
-5 neons
-5 danios

I would get male guppies if I were you. THey're smaller than the females. AND, their colors are more on the vivid side. :blush:
yea i would have to agree with Blitz on the guppies and danios but the tetras i would get neons or black neons the black is better in my opinion them seem to be the hardiest i have them in my 20 gal. ;)
The zebra danios would appreciate more space and cooler water TBH. They're only sub tropical, and appreciate lots of room to swim around, being very active fish. They'd do best in a 3 footer or so. They also tend to be a bit nippy and aggressive in smaller tanks. They may obliterate the tails of the guppies.
You need 6+ tetras and guppies. They prefer larger groups.
I decided not to get Danios. Not really my favorite anyways. :) Thanks!

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