New Member
We finally got some fish yesterday for our 155L tank - 3 zebra danios and 3 leopard danios. But we lost 2 of the zebras overnight
We're going back to the lfs today to get them replaced.
We are planning on having the following fish. Is it too many and are they compatible? Also, what order should we buy the fish? I heard that clown loaches should be added last because they do not have scales and are more sensitive. Can we get new fish each week or should we wait longer?
2 upside down catfish
2-4 Honey Gourami
2-4 dwarf blue gourami
2 Bristlenose catfish
1-2 Corys
6 rummy nose tetras
3 clown loach
4 siamese algae eaters (not the Chinese ones, also known as sucking loach?)
1 rainbow shark
4 flying foxes
We finally got some fish yesterday for our 155L tank - 3 zebra danios and 3 leopard danios. But we lost 2 of the zebras overnight
We're going back to the lfs today to get them replaced.
We are planning on having the following fish. Is it too many and are they compatible? Also, what order should we buy the fish? I heard that clown loaches should be added last because they do not have scales and are more sensitive. Can we get new fish each week or should we wait longer?
2 upside down catfish
2-4 Honey Gourami
2-4 dwarf blue gourami
2 Bristlenose catfish
1-2 Corys
6 rummy nose tetras
3 clown loach
4 siamese algae eaters (not the Chinese ones, also known as sucking loach?)
1 rainbow shark
4 flying foxes