Is This A Good Choice?


Fish Crazy
Apr 11, 2005
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Northern California (Redding)
OK - I want to start out by saying that I know there are many "L" numbering experts out there, and these questions are mostly directed to them. I am in the "States" (Way Northern California to be exact) and the LFS here consist of Petco, Wal-Mart (I never go there for fish), PetSmart (seem to be the most reliable so far), and a few very small mom and pop stores that only stock your run of the mill common or saifin plecs (yes I know, not a good thing to say "run of the mill"). The reason I put that out is that around here, they do not use the "L" naming system, so I used the "common name" or "AKA" for these fish.

OK, now down to business, I have 3 tanks:

(55gal US) - 1 BGK (4") - 2 Senegal Bichers (3 1/2") - 1 Sail Fin Pleco (15") and I just added a (1-1/2") Rubber Lip to help with a bit of algae buildup.

(20gal US) - 1 (3") Candy Stripped PLeco - 25 to 28 Fancy Guppies - 3 (1") Oto Cats

(10gal US) - 15 to 18 Guppy Fry

I have plans of up-grading the (55gal) in the future when we move down south (Los Angeles) in the next year to a (120gal US) because I don't want the hassel of moving the bigger tank at that time. Is that a safe up-grade for the fish or should I get a bigger tank then that? I am thinking of getting a couple of Bristle Nose plecos to go into this tank. Would this be a good idea or should I wait until we move? If I do get them, will they be Ok in there now with the current stocking order? Will they be safe in there after the BGK and Senegals get bigger? The Rubber Lip will be moved into the (10gal) when I get the BNs if that is a good choice, if not he will still be moved to that tank for the long term. All 3 tanks have larger filters then what are needed and all have a bubble feature in them for an additional oxygen source. Should I add any bog wood to these tanks for the plecos or do they need it at all? I have had the Sail Fin and Candy Stripe for over 4 yrs. now and haven't added it yet. Should I just settle for what I have and not change anything else? Or are my choices good for the future?

Your opinions would help me out, so feel free to let me have it.
Bogwood is always a good Idea when you keep Plecos. Yes they can live with out it. BUT they are much happier and healthy with it. They say Bogwood helps with their digestion. All they need is a small piece to munch. I have a Clown Pleco very similar to the candy stripe in fact my clown was labelled candy stripe at the LFS I got her from. She is an Panaque maccus L104. I also have a Bristle nose too in the same 36 Gal tank. They get along great. The bristle nose is the best little algae cleaner I have ever had. She is young only about 2 inches they get to be about 5 inches. My Clown pleco is full grown at 3 inches.

With your 55 Gal tank I would worry that you have too many bottom dwelling fish. With so many fish all living at the bottom things can get tight and territorial disputes can arise. As long as you give them all their our caves and hide outs things should be fine. You don't have any very aggressive fish in there. No need to get 2 bristle noses they do fine as loners. If you get to males they can become territorial even aggressive toward each other. You could add just one BN to the tank you have now and I think it would be ok. They are great little fish I love mine. Just make sure you have lots of hide outs for everyone.

I think if you know for sure that you are going to move and plan on taking all the fish with you I would wait. Travelling with fish is stressful for you and the fish. When you say Way north Cal do you mean like Humbolt? I live in Tahoe so I'm about 2 hours from Sac. Sac has some great fish stores I am going to check some out this week end. I am lucky I have some good ones around here in Carson and reno even some in South lake. But if you ever take any trips to Sac town check out the fish stores there. Look them up on yellow .
snowflake311 -

As my info block says, I am in Redding, 2 hrs North of Sacramento on I-5 and I go to that area all the time because my dad lives down there. Thank you for the info on bogwood, I have heard about it, but didn't know it was that important to them. I am not worried about having too many bottom dwellers, the Senegals are never on the bottom, my Sail Fin is always on the back wall, so really the only fish on the bottom most of the time is the BGK. I do have plenty of "hiding spots" so that shouldn't be a problem. Actually I was thinking about waiting until we move to get the BNs and have the bigger tank so floor space wouldn't be a problem. Thank you for your imput and I will consider every option before making any decissions.
Thank you for that link, I will try and get down there sometime and check them out. Good luck to you and I hope you find what you are looking for and good luck with them if you pick up any fish.

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