Is This A Cherry Shrimp?


Fish Gatherer
Apr 11, 2009
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I bought 4 on saturday, but this one hasn't got much colour

So is it a cherry? And does the yellow saddle mean eggs?
Definitely not a cherry shrimp.. I have seen them before, but can't quite remember the species right now! No, the saddle does not indicate eggs: if your shrimp had eggs, you would see them being held against its tummy, on the underside.. kind of bulging out.
That's what I'd read truck, that they start there, then move underneath. Do you think it's a cherry?
That's what I'd read truck, that they start there, then move underneath. Do you think it's a cherry?

Hard to tell from the picture though it could be. Some of my cherrys are coloured like that but so are my palmatas and malayas (maybe google them and see if they look more like your shrimp). Can you get any clearer pics?
the saddle is the shrimp's ovaries going into overdrive )to produce eggs. they "appear" as a saddle becasue they are "activated" and large to produce eggs. then they "lay" their eggs the underside of their tail and are subsequently fertilized by a male..
cherries come in a range of reds but females are generally at least "redder" than males and your shrimp looks very dull. could be a genetic trait which produced a very light female, or it could be a different species all together. hard for me to say before the female lays her eggs, gets fertilzed (if they others are cherries and you see green eggs on the underside of this female then i think we have our answer as species generally can only fertilze their own kind) then id say its a cherry. keep an eye on her and see if she gets green eggs. or maybe soemone else can positively ID it. but what i will say is its a female that is making eggs as we speak. that's what a saddle is.
Cardinia and neocardinia familys can hybridise within the species however some more readily then others.
I got a few better pics. These are the 2 which look like cherries

This is one of the others

and this is the 4th one

Thanks if anyone can ID from them :)

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