Is This A Cherry Shrimp?


Fish Crazy
Jul 10, 2009
Reaction score
Near Bristol, UK
I just got this shrimp today from my lfs, I spotted it alone in a tank with some endlers and asked if I could have it. It's about 1cm long.

Though I've never kept them I've seen pictures of cherry shrimp and they seem a deep red, this shrimp is much more orange. It doesn't have any claws or anything like that.


My neon tetras have had a go at him a couple of times but I do hope he survives!
Looks like Caridina cf. propinqua. Some call them mandarin/tangerine shrimp. They are pretty hardy but will require brackish to breed. I quite like them :)
That looks like it thanks iSnail! Bit disappointed to read this though:

"Behaviour : Excellent gregarious specie, it must absolutely live in groups of 6 individuals of the same specie no less."

I have no idea where I could get more of them...
I'm sure she'll do fine in a while as long as not threatened by other fish or water quality problems. They are occasionally available in LFS so just keep an eye out for them :)

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