Is This A Bristle Worm?


Fish Fanatic
Jan 25, 2010
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Hi, is this a bristle worm? I've read most types are ok. What's your thoughts on this? Cheers
Looks like one to me, I dint get these in my tank as my sand sifting star enjoys eating them.
Looks like one. Only have to worry about the blood red colored ones. The purple/pink types like you have there, are harmless (unless you touch them).
Looks like one to me, I dint get these in my tank as my sand sifting star enjoys eating them.

Looks like one. Only have to worry about the blood red colored ones. The purple/pink types like you have there, are harmless (unless you touch them).

Yep, a useful member of your cuc :good:

Seffie x

Thanks everyone for the quick replies! Love this forum!
Found another type this morn it's very motionless and not as bristley as the 1st. I'm guessing it's a bristle worm? It's a very light pink colour. Thoughts?
Cheers again guys
Yeah another one, probably smaller/younger.

There are species that will eat corals but these are extremely rare in the home aquarium (don't think I have ever met anyone who actually had them as hitch hikers).

As above they are good members of the CUC and will be able to get to left over food and detris that snails and hermits couldnt. My nano tank is absolutely crawling in them as it only has 1 fish in there (a small clown goby) and the tank is regularly over fed (not recommended normally but its more set up as a pod culturing station at the moment).
Yeah another one, probably smaller/younger.

There are species that will eat corals but these are extremely rare in the home aquarium (don't think I have ever met anyone who actually had them as hitch hikers).

As above they are good members of the CUC and will be able to get to left over food and detris that snails and hermits couldnt. My nano tank is absolutely crawling in them as it only has 1 fish in there (a small clown goby) and the tank is regularly over fed (not recommended normally but its more set up as a pod culturing station at the moment).
Cheers Barney.
Just seems lately I'm finding stuff I never knowingly put in there all the time. Cool!
Yep I 3rd that most bristleworms found in our tanks are good guys {CUC}. They scavenge leftover food and help stir the sandbed.
(But don’t touch them! Always wear gloves when your hands are in the tank)

Just seems lately I'm finding stuff I never knowingly put in there all the time. Cool!

Put some food pellets in your tank after lights out and watch the fun with a red flashlight. Wooo-creepy! :lol:
Yep I 3rd that most bristleworms found in our tanks are good guys {CUC}. They scavenge leftover food and help stir the sandbed.
(But don’t touch them! Always wear gloves when your hands are in the tank)

Just seems lately I'm finding stuff I never knowingly put in there all the time. Cool!

Put some food pellets in your tank after lights out and watch the fun with a red flashlight. Wooo-creepy! :lol:
Sounds like an idea! Cheers.
I know they are good Cuc but after getting oranges by one of the little blighters I started cheering my sand sifter on.

I know there must be one or two left in the tank as I have seen a few big ones that mr star fish would struggle taking.
Ok maybe my starfish doesn't eat bristleworms. I've just seen one about 10cm long crawling around, unfortantly for the worm my 3 cleaner shrimp saw him aswell. He died fighting.
Ok maybe my starfish doesn't eat bristleworms. I've just seen one about 10cm long crawling around, unfortantly for the worm my 3 cleaner shrimp saw him aswell. He died fighting.

Really? I have never seen any of my livestock go for a bristle worm. I guess some of them must eat them as in my nano with only a clown goby in there are hundreds where as in my main reef tank there are so many.
It was savage how they went for it, one grabbed the head (bristleworm was really trying to bite it) and another grabbed it's back end, the tug of war started and poor mr worm was divvied out amongst the family.

One of the clowns tried to eat abit aswell.
did you say the red ones are bad? because i seen one or 2 that are red in my tank well it could be the same one but they are small. and i have seen this big worm thing and its fast. with a big mouth thing
They are only bad if you touch them I think mate. they are fire bristleworms so called, as, if you touch them it feels like someone just set your hand on fire.

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