Fish Crazy
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There are many true eels that aren’t restricted to saltwater environments . Some are only tolerant of freshwater. However the commonly offered "spiny eels" are not true eels at all. One of the major red flags that proves you don’t have a true eel is the presence of gill flaps or the absence of protruding nostrils . If you are curious about whether or not your pet eel is tolerant of freshwater check it out on . is a great site for information about the classification of fish. In this thread I will include information on several commonly encountered eels, and some other eel like fish that occasionally turn up in brackish aquaria.
First of all you need to understand the taxonomy of the order Anguilliformes in order to determine the salinity requirements of the different species of eels you will encounter as an aquarist. Anguilliformes is the order of all true eels . Under the order, classification wise is the family. There are 15 families of true eels. Some that you might be familiar with include Snake eels, Moray eels, Spaghetti eels and of course the Freshwater eels. There is an entire family of eels called freshwater eels that look similar to conger eels that live in freshwater and spawn in saltwater. All of the eels in that family can be found in freshwater. In addition there are many species freshwater and brackish eels in other eel families. For example, Gynothorax Tile (commonly called the Freshwater moray, really brackish though.), Strophidon sathete (Gangentic River Moray.), Pisodonophis boro (Rice Paddy Snake eel, freshwater,brackish,marine).
Below are several species of brackish eels available that I think are worth mentioning:
HARDY,HUNGRY (Gymnothorax tile) Freshwater Moray- Often mislabeled as Gymnothorax polyuradon. This is dusky tan to brown colored eel that is covered with metallic gold flecks. It is the most commonly sold "Freshwater Moray". It in fact requires a salinity of 1.010+ to live a long healthy life. It can live for 15+years and grow to at least 36" or 90cm. when properly cared for.
SUPER RARE (Gymnothorax polyuradon) River Moray- An extremely rare moray Gymnothorax polyuradon is yellow or white with large black spots that resemble a leopard. This species is said to be much less hardy than Gymnothorax tile. This is why it is less likely to survive transport. However hypothetically (if anyone could actually keep it alive) would tolerate freshwater. Being on the safe side the salinity that they could be kept at should be near 1.005 but no higher than 1.018. Only known to reach 24" or 60 cm.
DOESN'T EAT OTHER FISH (Echidna leucotaenia) White Face Moray- I often see pictures of this fish labeled as Echidna rhodochilus. Echidna rhodochilus is known as the Pink Lipped Moray. This eel resembles the marine Snowflake Moray (Echidna nebulosa) in shape and acts similarly. It is an overall burgundy or brown with white marks on its lips. This is not as easy to care for as Gymnothorax tile, but an advantage is it will likely ignore fish. It only eats crustaceans. It needs a salinity of at least 1.010 and appreciates marine conditions. It grows to 18" or 75cm.
VERY FRAGILE (Uropterygius concolor) Ghost Eel, Unicolor Snake Moray, Ghost Ribbon Eel- Rarely encountered as a marine fish. It is a shimmer silver color with a white edged dorsal fin. It also appears to have black dots on its face. This is a very petite slender eel. It is often sold in a saltwater settling, however it can be kept at salinities as low as 1.015. Acclimate it slowly to high end brackish. Warning: it can be easily confused with several saltwater only look alikes. These include: (Gymnothorax albimarginatus) White Margin Moray, (Gymnothorax phasmatodes) Ghost Moray, (Pseudechidna brummeri) White-ribbon Eel.
Non-eels for brackish aquaria-
(Mastacembelus sp.) Spiny Eels- Very good fishes to keep. No real complaints about spiny eels just don’t trust them with small fish, also get a tight fitting cover. They seem to have a suicidal fixation with the garbage disposal. Apparently likes to jump. One of my friends used to have a Fire eel that would end up in the garbage disposal once a month until he moved his tank off of the kitchen counter. Spiny eels don't really belong in brackish aquaria. They do tolerate a higher P.H., 8.0 and seem to appreciate small amounts of salt but anything over 1.005 would be damaging. Spiny eels do not and will never belong in the same tank as a Freshwater Moray. Totally different water parameters.
NOT AN EEL BUT IS QUITE HARDY (Congrogadus subducens) Green Wolf Eel-really a Pseudochromiod (dottyback). Salinity between 1.010-marine. Good choice for beginners but really bad about eating its neighbors. Good match for medium and large Gymnothorax tile, not babies though.
EVIL, KEEP ISOLATED, WIEGHT DOWN COVER Swamp eel- One fish I really hate, but I would recommend it for those who will keep it alone. They look similar to morays but they have gill flaps. They are often a molted brown color like a really sick Freshwater Moray. They are always getting sold at my LFS as Freshwater Morays. They are Really, Really, Really , Really , Really , Really Mean! It bit me when it was taking it out of the bag and putting it in my fish tank. Then it KILLED all my fish, it was very aggressive it bit anything that moved it did not even eat anything it killed. It bit fish that were twice the size of it head and taste tested anything that moved. I was glad I kept the receipt. Swamp eels would make great pets, but keep them by themselves in a large tank. Most species can’t tolerate saltwater. They are very hardy and strong. They even have auxiliary breathing organs. Be sure to weight down the cover they love to take long walks in the park. Don’t use your Algebra book though. I had to explain to the bookkeeper how my fish knocked my book in the tank. WARNING: some species get huge!
GOOD EATER (Plotosus lineatus )Striped Eel Catfish does not look that much like an eel but I like it. Black with horizontal white stripes. WARNING it has some pretty lethal venom on its dorsal spines so watch out, they really do hurt. It can live in water with a salinity no lower than 1.015. It is able to tolerate freshwater as an adult but a salinity of 1.015 would be good long term. You can find more about this fishes feeding, and habits elsewhere.
In closing I must say don't ever trust what pet shops say! Google or better yet look the fish species up on Do not be intimidated into buying a fish that you are not familiar with.
There are many true eels that aren’t restricted to saltwater environments . Some are only tolerant of freshwater. However the commonly offered "spiny eels" are not true eels at all. One of the major red flags that proves you don’t have a true eel is the presence of gill flaps or the absence of protruding nostrils . If you are curious about whether or not your pet eel is tolerant of freshwater check it out on . is a great site for information about the classification of fish. In this thread I will include information on several commonly encountered eels, and some other eel like fish that occasionally turn up in brackish aquaria.
First of all you need to understand the taxonomy of the order Anguilliformes in order to determine the salinity requirements of the different species of eels you will encounter as an aquarist. Anguilliformes is the order of all true eels . Under the order, classification wise is the family. There are 15 families of true eels. Some that you might be familiar with include Snake eels, Moray eels, Spaghetti eels and of course the Freshwater eels. There is an entire family of eels called freshwater eels that look similar to conger eels that live in freshwater and spawn in saltwater. All of the eels in that family can be found in freshwater. In addition there are many species freshwater and brackish eels in other eel families. For example, Gynothorax Tile (commonly called the Freshwater moray, really brackish though.), Strophidon sathete (Gangentic River Moray.), Pisodonophis boro (Rice Paddy Snake eel, freshwater,brackish,marine).
Below are several species of brackish eels available that I think are worth mentioning:
HARDY,HUNGRY (Gymnothorax tile) Freshwater Moray- Often mislabeled as Gymnothorax polyuradon. This is dusky tan to brown colored eel that is covered with metallic gold flecks. It is the most commonly sold "Freshwater Moray". It in fact requires a salinity of 1.010+ to live a long healthy life. It can live for 15+years and grow to at least 36" or 90cm. when properly cared for.
SUPER RARE (Gymnothorax polyuradon) River Moray- An extremely rare moray Gymnothorax polyuradon is yellow or white with large black spots that resemble a leopard. This species is said to be much less hardy than Gymnothorax tile. This is why it is less likely to survive transport. However hypothetically (if anyone could actually keep it alive) would tolerate freshwater. Being on the safe side the salinity that they could be kept at should be near 1.005 but no higher than 1.018. Only known to reach 24" or 60 cm.
DOESN'T EAT OTHER FISH (Echidna leucotaenia) White Face Moray- I often see pictures of this fish labeled as Echidna rhodochilus. Echidna rhodochilus is known as the Pink Lipped Moray. This eel resembles the marine Snowflake Moray (Echidna nebulosa) in shape and acts similarly. It is an overall burgundy or brown with white marks on its lips. This is not as easy to care for as Gymnothorax tile, but an advantage is it will likely ignore fish. It only eats crustaceans. It needs a salinity of at least 1.010 and appreciates marine conditions. It grows to 18" or 75cm.
VERY FRAGILE (Uropterygius concolor) Ghost Eel, Unicolor Snake Moray, Ghost Ribbon Eel- Rarely encountered as a marine fish. It is a shimmer silver color with a white edged dorsal fin. It also appears to have black dots on its face. This is a very petite slender eel. It is often sold in a saltwater settling, however it can be kept at salinities as low as 1.015. Acclimate it slowly to high end brackish. Warning: it can be easily confused with several saltwater only look alikes. These include: (Gymnothorax albimarginatus) White Margin Moray, (Gymnothorax phasmatodes) Ghost Moray, (Pseudechidna brummeri) White-ribbon Eel.
Non-eels for brackish aquaria-
(Mastacembelus sp.) Spiny Eels- Very good fishes to keep. No real complaints about spiny eels just don’t trust them with small fish, also get a tight fitting cover. They seem to have a suicidal fixation with the garbage disposal. Apparently likes to jump. One of my friends used to have a Fire eel that would end up in the garbage disposal once a month until he moved his tank off of the kitchen counter. Spiny eels don't really belong in brackish aquaria. They do tolerate a higher P.H., 8.0 and seem to appreciate small amounts of salt but anything over 1.005 would be damaging. Spiny eels do not and will never belong in the same tank as a Freshwater Moray. Totally different water parameters.
NOT AN EEL BUT IS QUITE HARDY (Congrogadus subducens) Green Wolf Eel-really a Pseudochromiod (dottyback). Salinity between 1.010-marine. Good choice for beginners but really bad about eating its neighbors. Good match for medium and large Gymnothorax tile, not babies though.
EVIL, KEEP ISOLATED, WIEGHT DOWN COVER Swamp eel- One fish I really hate, but I would recommend it for those who will keep it alone. They look similar to morays but they have gill flaps. They are often a molted brown color like a really sick Freshwater Moray. They are always getting sold at my LFS as Freshwater Morays. They are Really, Really, Really , Really , Really , Really Mean! It bit me when it was taking it out of the bag and putting it in my fish tank. Then it KILLED all my fish, it was very aggressive it bit anything that moved it did not even eat anything it killed. It bit fish that were twice the size of it head and taste tested anything that moved. I was glad I kept the receipt. Swamp eels would make great pets, but keep them by themselves in a large tank. Most species can’t tolerate saltwater. They are very hardy and strong. They even have auxiliary breathing organs. Be sure to weight down the cover they love to take long walks in the park. Don’t use your Algebra book though. I had to explain to the bookkeeper how my fish knocked my book in the tank. WARNING: some species get huge!
GOOD EATER (Plotosus lineatus )Striped Eel Catfish does not look that much like an eel but I like it. Black with horizontal white stripes. WARNING it has some pretty lethal venom on its dorsal spines so watch out, they really do hurt. It can live in water with a salinity no lower than 1.015. It is able to tolerate freshwater as an adult but a salinity of 1.015 would be good long term. You can find more about this fishes feeding, and habits elsewhere.
In closing I must say don't ever trust what pet shops say! Google or better yet look the fish species up on Do not be intimidated into buying a fish that you are not familiar with.