I have 4 Panda Cory's, I've had a pair for 3 months and the second pair I've had for about 2 months.
The younger pair don't appear to have whiskers or whatever they may be called around their mouths like I've seen all other Panda's have, is there something wrong with them or were they just probably born without them? (I didn't notice if they did or didn't have them when I bough them)
I've read that they can actually rub them off on substrate, could this be the problem? (My -substrate is coarse sand) How do I fix it? Will they grow back if this is the case?
The younger pair don't appear to have whiskers or whatever they may be called around their mouths like I've seen all other Panda's have, is there something wrong with them or were they just probably born without them? (I didn't notice if they did or didn't have them when I bough them)
I've read that they can actually rub them off on substrate, could this be the problem? (My -substrate is coarse sand) How do I fix it? Will they grow back if this is the case?