Is There Anyway To Know How To Much To Feed My Fish


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May 16, 2009
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i always just take some flakes and throw it in there and sometimes they eat it all other times theres a bunch left over, anyway to know exactly how much to feed him
As much as they can eat in about 2 minutes usually. Its important that you remove any uneaten food as well after theyve all had enough.
You are alot better under feeding than over feeding as fish can normally last a couple of weeks without food so they aren't going to starve.

Put a pinch or 2 of food in, if they eat it all then put another pinch in. Like geoff said, you only want to add what they can eat in roughly 2 mins so you are better putting it in bit by bit than a load in one go.

Always remove uneasten food as it will sink into your gravel, rot and produce ammonia. Regular weekly gravel cleans are recommended to help combat this

there shouldn't be any food left over so it sounds like you're feeding them a bit too much. in the wild fish often live on the brink of starvation and can easily go 2 weeks without food, their whole digestive system is not set up for getting lots of food every day so it's much better to underfeed than overfeed.

you should be using a mix of prepared good quality flake/pellet type foods supplemented as a bit of treat/variety once a week or so of some meaty frozen/fresh foods like bloodworms, don't give them too often but it's good to use them once in a while. Also some fresh veg such as peas and cucmber will be happily taken by most fish. Some such as plecs will need fresh veg regularly. Getting the right mix of foods is fairly important to your fish.

Give them a starve day once a week to reduce the risk of constipation, otherwise feed them a small amount which they can eat in a few minutes. It should be a feeding frenzy when you put some food in, if it isn't then you're feeding too often.

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