Is There Anyone On Here Who Could Make Me A Hood?!


Official Forum Weirdo Detective
Jul 14, 2007
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I need a 12 x 8 x 8 hood (2 actually) with lighting for my betta tanks
I wouldn't have time to do it myself really, or the confidence/patience... anyone? am in the UK btw
Pop into your local fish shop and ask if they can order you a hood. Theyls probs deal through seabray. Thats what i did with my marine tank and i got to pick the colour of the wood
you can buy little arcadia 8 watt lights from pets at home or your lfs and the starter unit aswell being c1 or c3 it says on the box the tube is 12 in long so you may have to angle it a bit but really good light

cheers dane
correct me if im wrong but betta's jump hence her wanting a hood. maybe you could fit some glass sliders? there only cheapr the glass would cost you about a fiver i would think. :good:
correct me if im wrong but betta's jump hence her wanting a hood
Floating plant such as Salvinia will solve that problem but sliding coverglasses are a damm good idea.

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