Is There Any Turtles You Can Have In A Tropical Fish Tank

May 16, 2007
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I was just wondering if there are ant turtles that you can keep in a tropical fish tank? if so are they big or small.

Any advice would be much appreciated :good:
I haven't heard of you being able to have turtles in a fish tank, you can sometimes have fish in a turtle tank though... The reason for the difference would be the lighting and the need for a lower water level so that the turtle can bask under a heat lamp.
I wouldn't put turtles in a fish tank. You should have a tank for the turtle then add some fish.
But look up what types of fish you can keep with them, I know you can put Kribensis Chichlids in there.
My brother keeps about 20 of them in his tank with his 2 red eared sliders.
You can have molly's and guppies in with red eared sliders but they don't do well with Kribensis Chichlids.
Keeping turtles and fish together isn't really a good idea. It's just as risky as keeping piranhas and other fish together - it can work and I've seen piranhas in with a multitude of different fish in the past, but I personally wouldn't try it... :good: .

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