Is there ANY shark (or sharky lookalike)


Fish Crazy
Mar 6, 2004
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Pittsburgh PA
I'm trying to decide on what to add next.

Are there any peaceful sharks or shark looking fish that will be happy in a 20 gallon long?

Just curious :)
:p I ma sure you will be happy to find there are PLENTY! Bala Sharks are great and Irridecents are Perfect too. My Favorite because it looks like a real shark is the Columbian or White Tip Shark. I hope these are helpfull and Goodluck and God Bless -Scarlett
:eek: Woops forgot to add one thing, all shars will eat your fry even the other fish in your tank, I would suggest reloacting them unless they are of size
I wouldn't go with balas as they will outgrow a 20 gal very quickly..and they like groups...i'd suggest a Red Tailed Black resembles a shark abd can be kept single in a 20 gal. HIH :D
Bala Sharks are great and Irridecents are Perfect too
I disagree. For a 20 gallon tank neither of these fish will be perfect, or even happy. Except maybe as very young juveniles. Both fish grow large (Balas up to 8-10 inches and Irridescent Sharks up to a whopping 30 inches (that's 2 1/2 feet), and Bala sharks are best kept in groups, as they are a shoaling fish. I wouldn't keep Balas in anything less than at least 100 gallons and an Irridescent in nothing less than a 200 gallon tank. I didn't know about Columbian sharks, but I looked at a cople fish guides and they say they reach about 10 inches. So it is another fish that is unsuitable for a 20 gallon tank.

The red tailed balck shark is a very cool shark, just be careful in pairs they like to chase each other and ive had bad expierences with them flying out of the tank :-(.

Red Tailed Black Shark

Rainbow Shark

Those are about it for a 20 gallon tank sorry.
Sorry for spoiling your party.

20G is too small for most sharks. Don't risk their health for your pleasure. Get yourself something else like tetras, scissortails, or pencilfish. They're just as fast, and will be more suitable for this sized tank.
Thanks everyone. I know most sharks grow up to be pretty big, I was just wondering if there were any possibilities for my tank. Ive always wanted these 'black fin sharks' that wal*mart sells, but they look a lot like pictus cats or columbian cats, which I know would outgrow my tank :(

ah well, I guess I'll have to wait. If my boyfriend ever gets us a place I'm planning on getting a 40 long or 55 or something.

What about a true flying fox? or an upside down cat? darn fish store teasing me w/ their fish...
Those black fin sharks that walmart sells is the columbian sharks. That's where I got my 3 and that's what it was called. They also prefer brackish water which wouldn't be good for your tank anyways. Try a chinese algae eater.
I wouldnt add anymore fish to your 20Gallon, it is already quite full, and Sharks need plenty of room. Either get another tank or forget the sharky idea all together.

I agree, your tank is full and adding a shark will only stress him and your other fish out.

Even a RTBS in a moderately stocked 20g will be pushing it. THey get too long (5inches adult size) and need much more swimming space than any 20g will provide them in order to be happy.
1. some sharks will suit a 20 gal fine, such as the rainbow shark, since they do not grow very fast
2. red tail sharks will become WAY to aggressive for a 20 gal community tank
3. columbian sharks like their water quite salty (we've had entire shipments of them die becaus someone put them in a fresh water tank)
4. and who the hell buys fish from walmart? in my opinion buying from walmart, petsmart or superpet are the lowest quality fish, also the people that work there don't know a damn thing about fish. at my work half the new customers are there becasue walmart or superpet has told them something stupid that cost them money.
and finally you probably shouldnt add anymore fish, or you may run into problems with stress or ammonia/nitrites/nitrates

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