Is There Any Fish That I Can Add Now That My 20g Is Set Up?


New Member
Apr 10, 2006
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I'm switching my fish from my 55gal into a 20gal tank. I've had it set up for about a day now everythings running good. I know you're supposed to wait before adding fish, but I have to move them into the 20gal asap. When will I be able to do so? I only have about 8-10 fish to move into it. Is there any i can add before others, like bottom dwellers or anything? PLEASE HELP!!!!!! :good:
Have you seeded the filter in the new tank from the old tank?

Why are you moving them?

What are you planning on putting in the 20G?
yea we need to kno what your putting in the 20G before we can tell if you can have more.

also, incase you dont kno what seeded means, it means to take the filter media (sponges and stuff) out the old filter (from the 55G) and put it in the new filter.

thats where all the good stuff is you see.

as for what order to add them, again, what are you adding?
Ok i have to move them because someone is buying my 55gal in a couple days. I can take one of the bio bags from the old filter and put em in the new one (using a brand new topfin 30gal filter).

fish i have are.....

1 angel
1 cory (soon to have more)
4 neon tetras
2 clown loaches

The PH is good, everything is good to go, but i only set it up last night. so whens the earliest i can transfer them into the new tank?
well the tank isnt big enough for either the clowns or the angel.

clowns shouldbe in a group of 4 atleast and grow to 8"+ so need a 90G tank.

there also active so even when small they need alot of space.

the angels you could probably get away with but its probably better u didnt.

specially with neon tetras as there the angels natrual prey.

as for when you can add them, cos im sure you still will, if you get some of the old filter media in the new filter then you can add them straight away.
my angel just sits around all day, hes good w/ the tetras too never bothers em. loaches are still small and ill be upgrading to another 55 gal in the near future.

what i really just needed to know is when is it ok to add the fish? if i use the biobag from the old filter i can just add them right away?? thank you for your help btw
hmmm im not sure it would be quite enough.

could you not add more of the old filter media?

even if you have to cut it to fit. i had to do that with one of my sponges.

i think the worst you would get is a mincycle tho which if you have a test kit isnt that bad cos you can jus keep an eye on the important levels and do water changes when they get too high (probably every couple of days).

i have an angel thats fine with neons too but id be worried about puttin them in the smaller tank and takin away the individual space they had in the 55.
how do i do this then? take the bio bag from the old filter and stick it in the new one? I dont really get what filter "media" is. :no:
The filter media is the flossy, white (until it gets dirty! lol) cartridge type thing. Just move it (not necessarily the frame of it, just the floss stuff) to the new filter box. Then you should be able to add the fish within minutes, I'd say. Like was said earlier, you may have a mini-cycle but it shouldn't be anything too severe.

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