Is There A Difference In Care For Different Types Of Crayfish?


Fish Crazy
Dec 30, 2007
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i just wondered cause we have a pinned topic here for the "blue lobster" and i wanted to know if that is a good guide for any cray. i have a "normal" red/brown one. i know there a million different scientific names for these guys so "red/brown one" might not be that helpful but then again may be they are all so similar it doesnt matter.
Most crustaceans are kept in the same manner. They need clean water with some mineral content, particularly calcium for when they moult. They should have a filter and get regular water changes. Feed them on a varied diet and keep the tank covered because many of them climb out and wander around the house. Most are nocturnal and will eat plants and fish if they can catch them.
ok great, well iv got to get some calcium/mineral supplements but other than that im doing everything right right. thanks
The calcium can simply be from a rift lake cichlid water conditioner, or any other water conditioner that has calcium in it. I use the rift lake one because it is the most concentrated. I use it at about 1/3 strength and it increases the hardness and adds lots of minerals to the water. If you have hard tap water then you might not need to add anything.
you know what, idk what the hardness out of my tap is, ill have to have that checked. i just have an API liquid test kit, pH, nitrite, nitrate, ammonia. ill take it to a lfs for testing till i get my own test kit. thats hilarious about the wandering around the house, i can just see my little cray tromping around, checking everything out :lol: they do have great personalities. right now mine is staring at me with his claws wide open :rolleyes: i named him (though now i think its a her) Mullberry Wuldendorff the Great of New Candy Land :fun: candy land always was a great game when i was a kid. oh and how big do these get? idk if thats a reasonable question without giving the specific species but is there a general rule of thumb or something to go by cause ive heard blue's get up to 8" and that blues are just a color mutation that has been breed for the trade so they are the same as regular ones. i just ask because im trying to figure out what size tank to get him. i think a 10 will be fine, what do you think?
unfortunately without knowing the species it is impossible to say how big it will get. Some species grow to 2 or 3 inches, others hit 2feet. Most only grow to about 6-8inches, not including claws.
ok, i dont think it is one of those (i think they are from new Zealand) that gets 2' but ill keep an eye on it :good: thanks

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