i have an anemone should i wait to move that ? red base long tentacle
Ideally an anemone shouldn't be placed in the tank for at least 6 months. Is it in another tank or are you waiting for it to arrive? You will have to target feed it if you already have one, so get a turkey baster and direct food stuffs at it.
the rowaphos and nitravac should take care of the nitrate ?
The rowaphos will absorb the phosphates in the water. The nitravac will aborb the nitrates. I'm not familiar with nitravac, so pay attention to its life span as it may begin to leech nitrates back into the water once it becomes full. With GFO phosphate removers you don't have this worry, as the phosphates can't be released back into the water unlike some phosphate absorbers that can. I was using active carbon to remove nitrates, but have since stopped this as it contributes to the phosphates.
ill do a first water change 25 litres a week from when i put in the cleanup crew and then 25 litres every week thereafter till i die..hehe
Sounds like a plan. Keep an eye on your levels though and don't be afraid to do bigger changes if you are struggling to kick the nitrates from your tank. I usually do a monthly water change, although I did up this to every 2 weeks to help with the nitrate removal.
i had whitespot in the tank and my 1 clown still has a few dots,
Really this fish should have been quarantined in a seperate tank with medicated water. Its possible your clown has brooknella. The shrimps may pick off parasites from him. I don't know about boxer shrimps, but skunk cleaners and fireshrimp/bloodshrimp do.
will my crabs and snails and shrimp take this over to the new tank or will it be ok ?
Ah I see now that this is basically a tank transfer.. doh!
Its possible for inverts like snails to carry pathogens and the like, but it would be highly unlikely in my view, to transport brooknella or whitespot. It would be possible to transmit it in the water though if the parasite is in its free swimming stage looking for a host. I'd suggest you just pick the snails and crabs out by hand and net the shrimps. Once you have removed all these from your other tank and your anenome (I see where your anenome is now lol) treat the water in the first tank with the clown with a whitespot medication for a month.
ill wait about 2 weeks before adding fish, and as well i only started today with the lighting schedule and have no algae of any for in the tank is that ok ? the rocks came out of my established tank so there wasnt really a typicle cycle...thanks
I'd wait about a month before adding new fish. The reason for this is so that you can observe your clownfish in your original tank, and also eliminate the possibility of whitespot being present in your new tank. The chances of this occuring by simply transferring the inverts is pretty minimal to say the least but, I'd definitely err on the side of caution and avoid risking the spread of the parasite. Raise the temperature up to about 82f. The 4 weeks absense of fish and the warm water will cause any free swimming larvae to die off because of the lack of a host. Treat your clown for a month in the original tank then when you are sure he has the all clear, add him to the new tank. I'd then use completely wash out the original tank and use this as a QT for all new purchases and medicate the water as a matter of course. This should pretty much guarantee a healthy marine tank