Is The Red-tailed Shark Aggresive...

no way! you've got to be kidding...i'm just thinking for a future tank. Will it be aggresive to the other fish I listed.
I've noticed that with mine. Doesn't bother smaller fish at all :) Then again, he has moved recently into a tank where he's one of the smallest fish!
no way! you've got to be kidding...i'm just thinking for a future tank. Will it be aggresive to the other fish I listed.

From my personal experience of this shark, it should be absolutely fine with corys, tetra's and oto's. RTS (also know as red tail black sharks) generally go for fish similar to their size or fish with bright colors or patterning similar to its own.
Corys and oto's occupy area's of the tank which RTS do not really inhabit, most of the sharks time will be spent patrolling a tall cave network which you should build for it. RTS will not take any interest in large shoals of tetras.
Thanks for you input and I was planning to have alot of caves, log ornaments and plants. So, would a RTS shark be interested in bothering a pair of glass catfish. It kind of resembles the shape a little bit.
Thanks for you input and I was planning to have alot of caves, log ornaments and plants. So, would a RTS shark be interested in bothering a pair of glass catfish. It kind of resembles the shape a little bit.

I've never kept glass catfish, however, they are shoaling fish so the RTS may not take much interest in them- i think RTS generally find large schools of fish confusing as they find it very difficult to pick out any one fish to chase, and end up just leaving them alone.

Glass catfish though may be a problem in themselves though, they are rather fragile fish and difficult to acclimatise, its best if you leave the fish without them for at least 6months so the tank can mature and have a more stable enviroment to acclimatise them into when you do get them :thumbs: ;
Okay, thanx for the advice. ya, im planning on getting a tank between 45 and 55 gallon near christmas time. It will be a community tank with a variety of fish. My "center piece" will be a blood parrot cichlid. I know it way be semi-aggresive but i'll ensure many hiding spots!
Wow. Glass catfish hard to acclimatise???

Our ghosties (they're also known as ghost catfish :) ) were the first to acclimatise, within about a few hours, they were schooling together perfectly happy. And when we got some larger plants they made themselves right at home. They also eat anything we put in the tank; flake food, pellets and frozen brine shrimp.
Our corys were the ones we had problems with, one of them died because he couldn't acclimatise and the others are sometimes funny in the tank.

The glass catfish seem to be far from fragile; our ammonia levels have been uber high (which was probably the cause of poor Panic! our albino cory's death) and they've still remained fine.

We're also investing in a RTS very soon and were worried about it eating things.

Mostly we were concerned about the corys and the glass catfish as they are actually getting quite big; almost bigger than the sharks we saw in the shop. -_-

Will an RTS attack a siamese fighting fish/betta????
okay with the red tail shark ther not genrally agressive and will normally ignore other fish but when anouther fish in your tank becomes ill or injured the shark sometimes latchest themselves onto the sick/injured fish sucking on it this will give the ill fish no chance of survival so you would have 2 make sure you remove all ill fish as soon as you can other wise it could be disasterous for the other ill fish

otherwise there normally okay with small fish
I didn't want to make a new post as its pretty much the same topic!

If the red tailed shark is aggressive towards fish with similar colours, would it be agressive towards marbled angelfish? Who are black and silver?

What about guppies, sunset flame ones?

I didn't want to make a new post as its pretty much the same topic!

If the red tailed shark is aggressive towards fish with similar colours, would it be agressive towards marbled angelfish? Who are black and silver?

What about guppies, sunset flame ones?


The fish my shark is most agressive towards are the platys (various colors, from orange, black, red, grey etc) but it is hardly agressive to them at all now days, however, long ago before i adopted it it used to be in a tank about 20-30gals and was an aweful lot more agressive back then- having it in a densely planted and decorated 125gal tank has made it a lot less agressive.

I've never kept angels with RTS so cannot really say for them (although i think they probably wouldn't get along), but guppys should be ok.
In general though, it can be difficult to predict how agressive your RTS will be when it matures as it varies a fair bit from individual to individual- when small and young, they are hardly agressive at all, but when they grow to 4inches+ it starts to show a lot more as they mature.

Having a very decorated/planted tank which is not stocked to the brim but also has plenty of space to go around will help cut down on agression levels a lot- RTS feel most stressed when they have to share their space with fish that they feel threatened by or constantly occupy the RTS' space.
Shark-shaped fish should be avoided at all costs with RTS as RTS will certainly see these fish as threats.
My RTS is not aggressive to my angels. He has a lot of space to swim around in and a purple temple he shares with my featherfin cat, when he's allowed in :)
I've noticed with mt RTS is that he's only agressive towards my Indian sucking loach and there own kind, with everything else they're fine. Mine is kept with both fish smaller and larger than him.

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