Is the daddy bored?


New Member
Oct 1, 2004
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I apologize if this is the wrong section for my question.

My pair spawned on Tuesday, just when I thought that nothing was going happen, lol. Everything went well, and last night I noticed my male swimming franticallyto and from picking up teeny little swimming fry :D Needless to say, I am excited, since this is my first spawn :)
He was doing such a great job last night, looking after the little ones, putting them back into the nest. This morning, however, when I went to check on him, he seemed to be swimming aimlessly around the tank, only making the occaisional trip to check out his nest. I also didn't notice any little swimmers :/ He seems rather disinterested now.
My question is...could something have happened between last night and this morning? Is this a problem? Should I take him out, or just leave him in and see what happens?
I apologize for so many questions, but, again, this is my first, and I just want everything to go well!
Thanks in advance!
:hi: to the forum. Introduce yourself in the newbie section.

This is the right place to post that question. :nod:

I would suggest getting him out of the tank now. I believe the male takes care of the fry for only a little while before devouring them...

Check out the pinned article on betta breeding. It sould tell you when exactly to move the male out of the breeding tank.
If you don't see any swimmers,it's possible he ate them :/ I would remove him and leave the tank running with slight aeration and wait to see if anybody emerges from the underfolds of the plants.

Welcome to the board :)
I always remove the male 36 hours from hatching, whether the fry have started freeswimming or not. If they haven't, they are so close, it doesn't matter..IMO. I agree with wuv, he may have eaten them.
Thank for the replies, all :) I went ahead and removed him, although he's NOT happy about it, lol. Every time I went to scopp him up in the net, he swam as quick as he could back to his nest, and tried to look busy :)
However, he's now back in his own tank, glaring at me. If there ARE survivors, will they be alright without him?
If not, it just means I wasn't meant to have babies now. There's always a next time :)
They should be fine without him. As fisher said,if they're not freeswimming already,they're close enough and they don't need him anymore :)

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