Is The Buy/sell Forum Moderated?

It sure is. If someone doesn't put in their location, possible sales missed are their loss. I did a topic a while back about filling in your profile, location is one useful item.

Remember, we're not internet tutors, I'm still looking for the any key.
I think it would be a good idea to create a sticky or something saying put your location in the second title description thing.I atleast had the sense to do it though :D
I think it would be a good idea to create a sticky or something saying put your location in the second title description thing.I atleast had the sense to do it though :D

There already *is* a sticky telling people to put their area in the subject title, it's just that noone reads the pinned topics :p
Maybe mods could put in that sticky that they will remove all posts without an area in the title/subtitle. If it is already a rule, they should be enforcing it.

I, like Vancouver, find it really annoying that people dont bother. Especially when it's something you really want, and you have to scroll through it to find out they're in the bloomin' US or something!
I browse an IT website called Neowin sometimes. The buy/sell forum over there is quite strictly modded, but one of the stipulations is titles should have a prefix:

[FS:US] - For Sale US

[REQ:UK] - Requested UK

[FT:CA] - For Trade Canada

[eBay:UK] - eBay auction link.

An example would be:

[FS:UK] Fluval 205 internal filter

[REQ:US] Anyone got a nano tank going spare?

It works very well in my opinion, and the mods are quite strict about it. After some ruling with an iron fist when it was set up, generally everyone sticks to it now.

Anyhow, thats my 2p's worth :)
Peeps just inconsiderate and lazy I guess..

Takes 5 seconds to put where you live in the description.. yet most people don't do it.
Hmmm sorry but i find that quite insulting...
I am not lazy or inconsiderate at all? i forgot to put where i am sorry wasnt thinkin straight doesnt make me lazy or inconsiderate.
you ask if that section is moderated? my question is is this one as i find it very frustrating how someone can get up in arms about not putting a location down but finds it ok for insults..
ok moan over


Mark H
no i think i find it frustrating that you find it frustrating that i found it frustrating etc etc etc

as i said moan over

Cheers lol

Mark H
To be honest it saves alot of time if you put your location in, epescially when selling something, and meds as there different from country to country.
Yup agree with that 100% i just forgot so shoot me :p
all i posted for was to say i didnt agree with insults but never mind i know when not to bother.


Mark H
It's somewhat lazy not to read the pinned topics. It's inconsiderate not to read the pinned topic labled: "Helping people from your area to find your topic." It's probably also lazy not to follow the format illustrated by the pinned topic.

But if you read the topic and meant to follow the instructions, but just sort of forgot to when you posted your item, then that's not so bad. :p Funny how forgetful people are...

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