Is sumthin wrong with my bettas?


A Shrine To Madness
May 28, 2005
Reaction score
Fargo, ND
Well, the babies Synirr gave me, are doing fine, but untill recently, i noticed something. I've been giving them a high protein diet, composed of blood worms, pellets and flakes, but, when I woke up, they're bellies were big! I didn't over feed them, it's been the amount i've been feeding thme this whole time! I didn't feed them this morning, just to make sure. and btw, i don't feed them that all at once.
Do you occasionally give some cooked smash pea? It can't hurt to try some now, just in case. Fish get constipated and it can make them sick.
Not from me. I'm not known for few words. :p

My first thought with big bellies is constipation. If the pea doesn't do it, then go to the next level if you still think it's something of concern.

You may get a response from someone else if someone thinks you should check or try something else.

I think they will poo soon after the pea :D

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