Is Somthing Wrong?


Fish Crazy
Mar 6, 2006
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ok i got my nano set up alls fine, all water params are 0, except nitrate and thats at 5ppm

ne hoo i got a pair of clown (common clowns) and they seem to lay on the bottom on their sides alot one of them is breathing very fast and the other one has got like a lil patch of slime on its fin.

this seem like normal clown type stuff to you guys?

been fine until today when i used some aquascape poxy to hold my LR in place better :p

any ideas?
I'd get an airstone in there ASAP if they're gasping for air for thats very abnormal clown behavior. if your parameters check out safe and the airstone doesnt help, it might be time for an emergency water change.
i have done a water change this morning, and i run a proto skimmer. strange. i also did a water change about 20 mins ago just to be sure.

the clowns are looking worse now, dont think they wil survive the night :(

one of them has now developed stringy bits on him and is flicking on the side alot. :(
Something sounds bad especially that slime and string stuff :(
I'd post in chit chat ASAP and see if they can help you as they seem to know more about diseases than me :(
Goodluck i hope they make it, i don't know if i'd carry on nanoing if my clown died :dunno: such a personality

Something is very wrong if they're deteriorating that fast :(
After searching around, you almoast definitely have Clownfish Disease otherwise known as Brooklynella parasites. Symptoms are similar to ich or oodinium but it attacks the gills first and causes lots of slime production.

Their only chance to live is to quarantine them immediately and start treating with copper and/or formalin. Start with a high concentration dip for a couple mins and then treat as reccomended. Good luck man, hope they can pull through
kool thx for the diag.

they survived the night. gonna nip to my LFS when it opens. i dont have a quarentine tank :( would a bucket do?
dam they died :( i hate it when good colourful fish die :( just aint fair.

will miss them alot :rip:
Everyone is forgetting 2 very important questions.

How did you acclimatise the fish....?

Do you have surface agitation from a powerhead (or 2) in your tank to provide oxygenation?
and when did you mix the water? You said "got my nano set up just fine". How long has the water been in it?

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