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Fish Crazy
May 21, 2005
Reaction score
Kenowhere, Wisconsin
I have a sorority tank of 5 girl bettas. My one girl, Rose, has been acting strage lately. She usually just floats around the tank; I've never noticed her eating. I finally moved her to a quarantine tank when I saw her just laying on the bottom of the tank. She was still breathing through her gills, but didn't really do anything else. She did swim around to avoid the net, but still wasn't very active.

I'm wondering what could be wrong. She's in a 5 gallon with 4 other girls. They all get along wonderfully and NEVER pick on each other. I was blessed with some friendly ones, I guess. She is still acting the same in her quarantine tank.

I talked to a guy at Petco today and he said she could either be pregnant or just be full of eggs. I fed her one pellet and didn't see it lying on the bottom of the tank, so I'm assuming she ate it. Do you think she's eggbound and stuck? What can I do!? Please help me.
Well, I've never had Females Bettas, but from what I've read, 5 gallons is too small for 5 of them. They each need to stake out their own territory so I think that tank would be too small for them to do that.
Saucy said:
"I talked to a guy at Petco today and he said she could either be pregnant or just be full of eggs."
It really bothers me that pet stores have people doing jobs they are not trained to do. Bettas do not give birth to live young. So she is definately not pregnant. They lay eggs (actually they are sort of squeezed out), then they are fertalized outside her body.

She could be egg bound, but it isn't very common. Can you post a pic? Try a little aquarium salt. she can go a day or 2 without eating, and be fine. Try not feeding her anything today, then a pea tomorrow, if she is the same. Does the tank you moved her to have gravel? Not having gravel, would be easier for you to see if she goes to the bathroom. Are her fins clamped?
not sure either, never had female betta's. At least she is eating(hopefully since you did not see the pellet). Sometimes my fish just lays at the bottom of the tank in a one gallon tank. Does she look bloated in anyway. She is just acting quiet, right? Hopefully, she will pull through and just might be a fluke. How long has she been acting like this? Do you think she is stressed? Good luck. Will try to think of what it might be on why she is like this. Keep us informed on how she is doing.

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