Is Something Wrong With My Betta


Feb 10, 2009
Reaction score
Chester/Lebanon, PA
Maybe this should go in the emergency section, but i figured you guys know what diseases look like on bettas better than anyone.

I have a female betta in a 10 gal with 6 harlequin rasbora, and 1 cherry barb.
The tank went through a mini cycle which cleared up about a month ago. All the fish made it through fine, and she has been in worse conditions.

No one bothers each other in the tank. initially the female betta ripped up the rasboras pretty bad, but it stopped after a day or two, and everyone has full beautiful fins now.

The problem is i noticed this odd spot on the bettas head the other day. it looks like a bare spot almost...i thought maybe she scratched it on something or something, because its not ick, and the tank hasn't had bad levels in awhile, and she once survived being in a bag that didn't have it's water changed for a week (I was at school, little brother forgot i told him to change the water every day i guess, but she made it perfectly fine, that was at least 4 months ago).

ph: 6.8
ammonia: trace if any
nitrite: 0
temp 82F, 27 C

The temp is high cause of weather, has been for quite awhile. just did a 50% wc on monday, do weekly waterchanges.





Thanks for the help guys!
That looks like an injury to me. A bit of aquarium salt and clean water will help that heal.

If it starts to look more like a pit, you might be dealing with Hexamita.
Agreed i think it's an injury salt or halfdose melafix and it should be fine.

Also i think you may have a male pk there.
ok, already dosing with melafix, will add some salt.

hmm, i'll upload another pic of "it" if i have a full body one

hmm..don't really have any better shots right now.
i looked up the differences, she has the white egg spot.
her bottom fin barely extends past the tail fin, idk if that helps or not.
defo a girlie no worries about that.
to me it just looks like a missing scale. they do lose them from time to time without seeming reason (ie, no injury or fighting)...think of it as us having peeling skin. natural.
nothing you can will recolor for you.
as long as there is no redness, fuzz, fluffiness, etc and she's eating fine id say just keep clean water!
all the best!
first two pics looks like just markings but the last pic looks like it might be a oclua or 'whole in the head' as some call it. meds can treat thing and the other fish. as they both are caughtable. these two things are caused like many other fish problem un clear or changed water or too much amonia. I would defo find out what it is before chucking meds here there and everywhere etc
thanks for all the replies guys.
she's still eating well, and active. my main concern was that it was hole in head, but it just doesn't seem to be fitting.
also after the initial spot, it kinda like..grew? ha. froma spot to a little more of a line on the one side...if that makes any sense at all.

but i just checked her out, and there's no redness or fuzz or anything. It also looks like it's darkening back to her color like it might be healing. I think you were right with it just being some scales, or a slight injury (those harlequins are very snappy eaters, that's the only downside to having her with them).

thank you all for checking it out, i appreciate it. if it gets worse or anything i'll be back, but i think it'll clear up shortly.
glad shes otherwise acting normally...a couple more questions
what sort of diet do you have her on? hole in the head is cause by vitamin deficiency, soemthing lacking. rare for bettas to get hith. ciclids get it more (like discus, angels etc). as bettas dietary requirements are more easily met. dont know about it being contagious. if one fish in your tank gets hith from poor diet, chances are they are all getting a poor diet which is why it often is seen in more than one fish in a tank.
id rule that out as of now. just keep an eye on it and keep us posted of changes.
i think i've got them on a pretty good diet...i'd like to get more veggies into my fishs' diet, but i've never had luck with feeding it.

as of now they are fed three different flake products, frozen brine shrimp, frozen blood worms, freeze dried bloodworms. lately i've been looking into what "quality flake food" really is..and idk if any of mine are..i just figured the varied diet would work well enough. but for my next flake purchase i'm going to look into it more and get some good stuff.

the flakes i feed are BettaMin Tropical Medley, Top Fin Guppy food flake and freeze dreid bloodworm mix, Top Fin Tropical Flakes.
the frozen bloodworms, is actually a variety pack of different frozen things..just the one i'm currently on is bloodworms.
seems like a nice variety. im sure some folks will say dont feed flake or freeze dried but ive found it makes no difference. one of my boys wont touch pellets after trying unsucessfully for almost a year to get him to do his staple is flake food. with bloodworms, tubifex worms, peas. just a word, if feeding freezedried foods, it is best to soak them until they are soft before you feed them. freezedried food is notorious for constipating bettas but if you siak them if found it virtually eliminates that effect.
as for the spot on your girlie, i would think its just an injured scale from one thing or another. and nothing to worry about. just keep an eye on it for anything sinister like redness, fluffy white growth, etc. as long as she's eating and otherwise acting normally, she will be fine with no meds or other treatment.

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