Fish Fanatic
I'm starting my first nano (10 gallon) in a month or so when my guppy fry are large (and pretty! the males in my strain are very nice looking )enough to be given to other people. Right now I've been doing research and acquiring equipment as I find good deals.
I've read some article that says that skimming shouldn't be done in a nano. However in nano photographs, I see skimmers in most tanks. There are also nano skimmers at Drs. Foster & Smith for around $20, which wouldn't be too painful if I need to get it.
In my freshwater planted tank I use this ViaAqua pump to pump water through my UV sterilizer. It has a nice "powerhead" attachment which seems to work well when I played with it. I like this since I can easily reposition the water output without having to move the large pump or electrical wires. Are 1 or 2 of these good enough for a nano, or should I go with a dedicated powerhead? Also are oscillating powerheads worthwhile?
I've read some article that says that skimming shouldn't be done in a nano. However in nano photographs, I see skimmers in most tanks. There are also nano skimmers at Drs. Foster & Smith for around $20, which wouldn't be too painful if I need to get it.
In my freshwater planted tank I use this ViaAqua pump to pump water through my UV sterilizer. It has a nice "powerhead" attachment which seems to work well when I played with it. I like this since I can easily reposition the water output without having to move the large pump or electrical wires. Are 1 or 2 of these good enough for a nano, or should I go with a dedicated powerhead? Also are oscillating powerheads worthwhile?