Is She Sick Or Just Silly?


New Member
Nov 14, 2006
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Hey everyone, new member, plan on doing the intro and all of that soon, but wanted to ask a quick question about my female Cory "Gord" (Long story, they are my only 2 fish with names ... lol) Anyhow ...

I got my first tank 9 months ago. It came with well cycled gravel, filters, and water ... it also came with the fish which are 1-7 years old. It is approx 28 gallons.

Two Pygmy Corydora's came with the tank and their names were "Gord" and "Fay" ... I guess they had the sexes mixed up cause "Gord" is a female, and "Fay" is a male ... lol ...

Yesterday I noticed that the ancient black tetra had Ich, and so did the granny Albino blackskirt. I treated as directed for tetras. First time I had seen Ich in my fish ... then I noticed that my tank felt awful cool. I guess my cat had turned the heater off on one of her daily strolls across the back of the fish tank ... Silly kitty ... anyhow, spent a while gradually getting the temperature back up to where it should be ... then my female Cory starts acting wierd.

I read through the forums past messages and didn't quite see this behaviour, so I thought it worthy of a new post altogether! She does swim up the side of the tank ... that is fairly normal for her, but the abnormal part is the lying on her side or back with her tail curved up over her back. She floats on her side or on her back on the surface of the tank, then she rights herself, goes back down and goes about her normal business ... I know what her normal business looks like, cause I watch my tank for at least an hour a day, fascinating creatures .... lol .... There is nothing amiss with her minus this desire to be on the waters surface on her side ... "relaxing" by all accounts .... when she does get back down to the bottom of the tank, the Male cory is flittering all over her and staying very close to her, which is not normal for him either ...

Is this some offshoot of breeding behaviour because of the drop in temperature?

Any thoughts would be appreciated :)


Anyone? I am bumping this message because she is still doing it today.

Her resp rate seems a bit higher than usual today.

She looks a bit distended ... I am tempted to believe she is gravid (thats a good snake word, is it a good fish word?

The male is no longer interested in her.

I am not a newbie interested in breeding sucess, I am one who wonders if this is normal breeding behaviour or if "Gord" needs to be removed from the community because she is sick/dying :unsure:

I realize fish floating on their backs usually means they are dying/dead. I just read alot of information of temp drops causing Cory's to spawn and wondered if that might possibly be the cause ...


Dont know if this will help, but a couple of our cories are sensitive to temperature changes. They sort of turn on their sides and rub themselves against the floor. At the time, we were told that corys dont get whitespot/itch so we put it down to temperature changes.

She may get better after the temperature gets back to normal again. Also may be spawning.

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