Is She Pregnant?

I'm sad to say that my guppy died throughout the night. Thanks to everyone who replied to my thread and gave me advice throughout the last few days
aww im sory to hear about your loss :rip:

to be honest guppies arnt very hardy fish and dont really last that long anyway.
in the future id advise some more hardy livebeares like mollies, platies and swordtails are also very nice and can be pretty easy to breed, mine never have but to be honest onece they have bred ones they breed again and again and before you now it baby fry is everywhere!

id go for any of the livebeares i mentioned as they dont always breed but some do, so you can have fish that will last you longer, and maybe a few pregnanceys aswell

good luck with the rest of your fish x
aww im sory to hear about your loss :rip:

to be honest guppies arnt very hardy fish and dont really last that long anyway.
in the future id advise some more hardy livebeares like mollies, platies and swordtails are also very nice and can be pretty easy to breed, mine never have but to be honest onece they have bred ones they breed again and again and before you now it baby fry is everywhere!

id go for any of the livebeares i mentioned as they dont always breed but some do, so you can have fish that will last you longer, and maybe a few pregnanceys aswell

good luck with the rest of your fish x
Thank you so much. As you can see at the start of my thread we had a disaster in the tank and we have lost almost all of our fish (she was our only female guppy left). Our main tank is going through the cycle process now. We have 4 pearl danios left, 2 neons (which im not expecting to live) 2 male guppies. It is a 60 litre tank so i know I cannot add much more but think I will go for the mollies and swordtail. We also have a clown loach and BKF and a sucker of some sort but I understand that we should never have been sold these for that size tank ! Jumped in to quick but thanks to here we have learned the hard way !!! Thanks to you all

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