Is She Pregnant?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 27, 2009
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Hi, I have noticed that this female guppy has gotten bigger since I had her. She is bigger than other females, so is she pregnant? From front on she is very square to look at, which these pics don't do her justice. If anyone can tell if she is and how far she has to go, I'd like to know.

certainley looks prego. Congrats! :D in terms of how long guess would be around 1ish weeks gone (maybe 2 if the pictures don't show it enough) so around 3-4 weeks till she drops I'd say.

sorry..typed in all numbers wrong originally...
Well to be honest if she is/has been with boys, the your chances are she is pregnant. She doesn't look to far on (not big enough) but i'd say pregnant around 1-2 weeks.

Thanks again for the advice. She has been with males. I have only had her 10 days. I am am a little worried as we had a disaster in our main tank resulting in quite a few deaths (my very pregnant guppy being 1). We moved surviving fish to a hospital tank and had to treat them. Do you think treatments would be doing any harm to her ? (she has no signs of illness). She is getting alot of attention off the 2 males though !
No I don't think the meds would harm her as long as the meds are the right amount and type for you tank. MAke sure you read the instructiongs very carefully!
She does look pregnant CharlieBoy. She is not close to delivering fry IMO. I would guess that when you took the picture there were probably about 2 weeks to go.
Hi, that pic was taken today but she does look a little smaller in that to what she really is ! From front view she looks rather square. She is hovering quite alot and like i said in an earlier post she is in a hospital tank at the mo and is being hassled quite a bit by the 2 males in there. Do you think I should put her into a breeding tank or is it too early for that ? I have never had a pregnant guppy before and really do not know what to look for (even tho I am now a bit wiser from links on here) ! I have had her 10 days and she had the dark gravid spot when i bought her.
If you have an otherwise empty birthing tank, there would be no harm moving her to it. She does not need the attentions of the males in her tank. When you have an actual birth to judge from, the next one becomes easier to predict. I just got done shooting a picture of a female molly almost every other day from one birth to the next. If I ever want to know where she is, in the future, I will have a reliable reference for that particular fish. There may be some things to learn from her but it is not like having the records of your own fish.
If you have an otherwise empty birthing tank, there would be no harm moving her to it. She does not need the attentions of the males in her tank. When you have an actual birth to judge from, the next one becomes easier to predict. I just got done shooting a picture of a female molly almost every other day from one birth to the next. If I ever want to know where she is, in the future, I will have a reliable reference for that particular fish. There may be some things to learn from her but it is not like having the records of your own fish.
Thanks for that. I don't have mollies at the moment, we are thinking of getting them next (once the tanks has cycled and we have more luck)! I havent got a spare tank at the moment as its being used as a hospital tank - main tank is being cycled so she cant go in there. Will she be ok in the breeding box or will that stress her ? Sorry for all the questions, I just want everything to be ok for her and we have lost so many fish lately that is has been heartbreaking for us - so bad that we were very close to giving up ! Your help is very much appreciated - thank you
A guppy will do better in a breeder than a molly or a platy but I don't care for the breeders. The general advice, by those who use them, is between 1 and 2 days maximum in a breeder. For your guppy that means you need to wait a while before putting her in the box. If you can catch her actually starting her fry drop, that would be the ideal time to move her. She would only be in the box long enough to finish the drop and then back into a place where she has enough room.
A guppy will do better in a breeder than a molly or a platy but I don't care for the breeders. The general advice, by those who use them, is between 1 and 2 days maximum in a breeder. For your guppy that means you need to wait a while before putting her in the box. If you can catch her actually starting her fry drop, that would be the ideal time to move her. She would only be in the box long enough to finish the drop and then back into a place where she has enough room.
Ok, thank you. I did put her in there for a few hours last night as she was being chased by the male in the tanks but I removed her as she didnt seem happy. Refused all food and hardly moved except for darting to otherside once or twice. Back in main tank now and doing fine. Just hope I catch it when it happens !

Infact I think she may have lost her babies ! She is acting very odd, staying in one corner of tank even though 2 male guppies and 3 male endlers are constantly around her. Her gravid spot is still dark and seems to be darker on one side. Also the one side of her body seems darker thsan last night, shes also not eating. I tried a blood worm but she just let it float by. Any suggestions ?
staying in one corner generally means she is quite far one in pregnancy...also whats your male to female ratio for your guppies?
I only have the one female at the moment with 2 male guppies. I know you are meant to have more females but I got them all in a hospital tank now as we lost alot due to a water problem/illness and cant add anymore until they are back in the main tank. When i bought the last females the lady in the shop said they were pregnant. I have now had her 11 days. In last 8 hours or so i have noticed that the gravid spot goes alot lighter( peachy colour) then back to dark (she is still plump). I know I am a pain but im really concerned for her and appreciate all ideas/suggestions/comments. I will update with her progress as time goes on. Thanks to you all

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