Is She Pregnant


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Sep 7, 2008
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is my dalmation preggers if so how long till she goes in breeding tank and gives birth roughly???


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is my dalmation preggers if so how long till she goes in breeding tank and gives birth roughly???

Platies get pretty round at the end of their term, if you notice that part of her belly (just in front of the anal fin) is turning dark then she is close. Hard to tell from the pic but it looks like it.
is my dalmation preggers if so how long till she goes in breeding tank and gives birth roughly???

Platies get pretty round at the end of their term, if you notice that part of her belly (just in front of the anal fin) is turning dark then she is close. Hard to tell from the pic but it looks like it.

she is a dalmation mollie and she has a really dark spot at her anal fin but intreasting to know about the plattys as my female one has a dark spot but she aint fat so didnt think any thing of it does that still stand for mollies
I'm with '5teady', she's definitely impregnated but has at least a couple more weeks to go from the look of your pic.
is my dalmation preggers if so how long till she goes in breeding tank and gives birth roughly???

Platies get pretty round at the end of their term, if you notice that part of her belly (just in front of the anal fin) is turning dark then she is close. Hard to tell from the pic but it looks like it.

she is a dalmation mollie and she has a really dark spot at her anal fin but intreasting to know about the plattys as my female one has a dark spot but she aint fat so didnt think any thing of it does that still stand for mollies

The gravid spot can be a good indication of when a fish not far off, but the problem is its only good to tell when you can black dots (the fry's eyes) within the gravid spot.

A pregnant fish can have a very dark gravid spot, and also can show hardly any sign of agravid spot.

A fish that is not pregnant can have no dark gravid spot and also couyld have a very dark one. this is why over the years of my experience, i now go by size and behaviour because i have proved to myself that fish that are not pregnant still have dark gravid spots.

I study my fish by look at a overhead view, back view, side view.

I also write down the dates of my dropd do i know roughly when they are due again.

I have just placed a video on here of my platy giving birth, have a look at it and it will help you to see the behaviour and size, also check my pinned thread at the top of this section (smae platy that just gave birth,)
is my dalmation preggers if so how long till she goes in breeding tank and gives birth roughly???

Platies get pretty round at the end of their term, if you notice that part of her belly (just in front of the anal fin) is turning dark then she is close. Hard to tell from the pic but it looks like it.

she is a dalmation mollie and she has a really dark spot at her anal fin but intreasting to know about the plattys as my female one has a dark spot but she aint fat so didnt think any thing of it does that still stand for mollies

Ooops, sorry I meant Mollie not Platty :blush: But these guys know what they're talking about :good:
is my dalmation preggers if so how long till she goes in breeding tank and gives birth roughly???

Platies get pretty round at the end of their term, if you notice that part of her belly (just in front of the anal fin) is turning dark then she is close. Hard to tell from the pic but it looks like it.

she is a dalmation mollie and she has a really dark spot at her anal fin but intreasting to know about the plattys as my female one has a dark spot but she aint fat so didnt think any thing of it does that still stand for mollies

The gravid spot can be a good indication of when a fish not far off, but the problem is its only good to tell when you can black dots (the fry's eyes) within the gravid spot.

A pregnant fish can have a very dark gravid spot, and also can show hardly any sign of agravid spot.

A fish that is not pregnant can have no dark gravid spot and also couyld have a very dark one. this is why over the years of my experience, i now go by size and behaviour because i have proved to myself that fish that are not pregnant still have dark gravid spots.

I study my fish by look at a overhead view, back view, side view.

I also write down the dates of my dropd do i know roughly when they are due again.

I have just placed a video on here of my platy giving birth, have a look at it and it will help you to see the behaviour and size, also check my pinned thread at the top of this section (smae platy that just gave birth,)
the gavid spot is quite dark i will try and get a clearer picture for u if thats ok
Its does not matter that its quite drak to be honest, the size of her indicates to me she aint ready to drop.

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