is platy still giving birth or is now giving birth a second time?


New Member
Oct 25, 2022
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about three weeks ago i got two platy and a corydora catfish. 48 hour later one platy gave birth and the other died. I panicked, didn't know what to do, did a whole bunch of research to take care of the fry's, bought a separate tank filling it half up with the originals tank water and only acclimated the mother in after she was done. she gave birth roughly 12 fish. when I put the mother in I noticed she was stressed. I thought it was new tank. so gave her some time. three weeks later and she still really stressed. I noticed she was still really cubby I began to wonder if she could be pregnant with out any males around. I found out she could. I then started closely examining her to find... umm well, a baby coming out. was this baby there the whole time and just didn't notice it? she was pooping! did she just start giving birth and baby got stuck? was just good timing? I remember them coming out fast not slowly its been like 10 minuets since I found it. still in there. there are no other fry's in the tank and she is not acting out of sorts other then her regular stress behavers. ummm AHHHHHHHH, WTF!
If it’s 3-4 weeks later it is a new batch. They can store sperm for over 6 months and have many drops of fry from a single mating
cool, but its still stuck in there and not coming out. what do i do about that?
Hmm. That’s been awhile. Is there a way you can very gently press on her abdomen to help her push it out?

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