Is platy female??

It's ok the pictures come out, blurry but good ^__^
From what I can tell your platy is female, it's really hard to tell from the pictures but she kind of looks pregant too. She looks pregant from her large tummy.
I knew it!! Going to have to kick the other half tonight. She convinced me she (the fish not her) wasn't pregnant. I took the pics last night, and was thinking of putting her in the breeding trap but deceided to leave it till today. Looked this morning and she doesn't look as fat anymore. Must have had them during the night of early this morning. Had a look for fry but couldn't see any. Keep fingers crossed though, tank is well planted and i already have 4 babies about 2 weeks old that appeared from no where.
Good luck, but I thought I'd mention that (no joke) the fish may not have been pregnant, ... it might have just been constipated.

My platies have looked bloated like that a few times, and after feeding them a few blanched, peeled peas, they looked a lot less bloated the next day.
Ok, thanks. I'll bear that in mind. :D
It is a female but the Males give bith to live young

I had Platys and my demales did this. My lfs said that they do it to show the males that they are ready for mate ing.

Don't worry to much but do keep an eye because they breed like mad and as easy as anything So if you don't want to many babes either take out the males or females and put them in a different tank or You can normally sell then back to your LFS

Good Luck
Im glad you've put these pics on because my platys just like that at the moment and i have'nt got a good camera.I didnt know if she was pregnant or not.At least i know she may be pregnant now.Thanx!

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