Is Ocean Rock Any Good


Fish Fanatic
Aug 25, 2009
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i was looking around for LR and i came across ocean rock on ebay and was wondering if this is any good i have included a link but doesnt say very much about this type of rock i wanted to know if it is the same as any other rock and will it grow Coralline Algae on it
thanks 4 ur help in advance

link to occean rock

thanks again
hi mate live rock has living things on it and is extremely pourus

however ocean rock iss dead and not as pourus so will become a bit live if you add live rock with it but on it own will not be the same as lr

hope that helped
Ocean rock stayway from in a marine aquarium youll seem to get a bit of p04 relecing from it but i would go for reef rock that will be come live over a short period of time but might want to dip it in plane ro for 2-3 weeks to get rid of the p04 usally comes in about £5-7 per kilo

rgds scott
thanks scott
Do u know a good website to buy reef rock in the uk i havent brought live rock before and dont know any good sites
most shops will charge 15 pounds per kilo online probably 7-8 pounds per kilo

but a tank breakdown normally are 5-6 pounds per kilo

hi id look for a local reefer breakingdown his tank

look on here
as said get reef rock and some small amunt of live rock and will be ok as it will be ok mate if you need a website pm me and ill send it to you

i was looking at reef rock and was wondering if u need live rock with it to get the cycle started or does it already come with some beneficial bacteria i think it does as it rock broken off a reef but not sure


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