Fish Fanatic
When I purchased my new tropical aquarium last week, my lfs said that new tank syndrome was now a thing of the past, as long as you stock at a slow enough rate to let the filter sponge catch up.
He said in particular with my set up as it is specially designed. It is similar to a biorb, but twice as big, hexagonal and from Poland. I am not particularly worried as my first 3 minnows were added with the water, plants and rocks from their old set up so some bacteria should have been added. After a week ( and slow raisng of temperature) I added 5 neons, on lfs advice, the neons he buys being partcularly hardy.
Perhaps I should be suspicious of his advice, however I have always sourced my goldfish from there and they have all had good innings (i.e. long life for those who don't understand the cricket reference) and been healthy. He also dissuaded me from buying the tank set up I originally wanted, which was more expensive, so money is not his priority.
He said in particular with my set up as it is specially designed. It is similar to a biorb, but twice as big, hexagonal and from Poland. I am not particularly worried as my first 3 minnows were added with the water, plants and rocks from their old set up so some bacteria should have been added. After a week ( and slow raisng of temperature) I added 5 neons, on lfs advice, the neons he buys being partcularly hardy.
Perhaps I should be suspicious of his advice, however I have always sourced my goldfish from there and they have all had good innings (i.e. long life for those who don't understand the cricket reference) and been healthy. He also dissuaded me from buying the tank set up I originally wanted, which was more expensive, so money is not his priority.