Is My Zedra Danio Pregnant Or Bloated?


New Member
Sep 2, 2007
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help! we have recently got a new tank, cycled it and added 6 zebra danios.the nitrite levels have been high,but are now near the <o.o3 scale,the pH is 7.5. one of the fish has ? been eaten,as it has disappeared (not on floor,or lurking in the tank anywhere) and one of them has a very swollen tummy and is swimming very erratically (as if it has ?swim bladder), but how can you tell the sex of the fish and if she is pregnant,do there tummies just go round,may be a daft question but we are new to this fish keeping lark! any suggestions would be much appreciated. thanks
I am cycling an 18 gallon tank with 5 zebra danios and 3 small livebearers that survived from feeders. My female Danios are VERY fat. Ive been feeding them lightly twice a day but having to do daily water changes to compete with the ammonia. I think I'm going to cut feeding back to a bare minimum to help cut down on ammonia. I might pull the livebearers out too, since their chances of surviving the cycle are minimal anyway. Anyway, I was worried about my Danios too, since they are so fat, but they seem fine so far.
I am cycling an 18 gallon tank with 5 zebra danios and 3 small livebearers that survived from feeders. My female Danios are VERY fat. Ive been feeding them lightly twice a day but having to do daily water changes to compete with the ammonia. I think I'm going to cut feeding back to a bare minimum to help cut down on ammonia. I might pull the livebearers out too, since their chances of surviving the cycle are minimal anyway. Anyway, I was worried about my Danios too, since they are so fat, but they seem fine so far.

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