Is My Zebra Danios Ill?


Fish Herder
Dec 1, 2005
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I just got my first fish on Sunday - 6 Zebra Danios after completing a fishless cycle

One of them however has taken to swimming around the mid-bottom section of the tank and I noticed tonight is "breathing" alot.

The other 5 are fine, although one appears slower than the rest in bringing out her colours.

The only suspect i can find for the "fast breathing" is poisened water/water quality, but i dont think this appears to be an issue.

tank details are:

20gallon tank
Real plants
fluval filter and additional small sponge filter in an aeriation unit.

ph: 6.9
Ammonia: 0ppm
Nitrite: 0ppm
Nitrate: 5ppm
Temp 27C

In just worried for the wee guy as they are my first fish and ive done so much to ensure that they get the best possible start.
Was the fish ok at the store?

If yes, I'd not assume an infection.--too fast for this.

But air may be an issue: you are running the tank at 27C=81F. This is a bit high and the water will retain less oxygen, so you need to have good airstone. If I'm reading your post correctly, your only air source is the "additional small sponge filter in an aeriation unit" --- probably designed for a 5g/10g tank.

Try bringing the temp down to 75F (or even 70F) Zebra range according to the FAQ here is 65F-75F, 70F is most certainly safe and will improve the amt of O2 retained in the water.

And check if you got enough air.

And -- just in case --- did you acclimate the fish?
this is the first time ive noticed the rapid breathing, although it could be that the little things are zipping around that fast ive just never been able to spot it.

when the fish is facing away from me, the gills do look a pinkish. only way i can describe it is flesh like (EDIT: this is on the inside of the gills.)

Checked on them briefly this morning before leaving for work, but the tank light was still off and i like to try and leave them be till when it is meant to come on.

A few of them were hanging around just below the tank surface, unsure if this is pattern from it being dark or from tank temperature, but going with the one who like to be at the bottom, i think it may be worth dropping that temp. Going to take it down to around or just below 23C/73F to see what happens. According to the digital thermo, its at 75F~78F throughout the day (due to the house being cold or hot) but the thermo inside the tank stays at more or less 26~27C (sorry for the switching between F and C I cannot be bothered converting at this time of the morning.)

the water tests are still showing fine :/

did a 25% water change anyway.

lowered tank temp down to 23C

will get details of the air pump/aereator tomorrow.

other fish are still good.


there has been a show of fish (all zebra danios) chasing others, usually playful looking stuff (my dogs were alot rougher), however often this fish that has taken to lazing about seems to get "picked" on and chased.

The gills (outside) look normal. Inside, look like salmon pink, though maybe a bit red. None of the others look any different.

The one that appears ill did some tail standing without moving at the bottom of the tank. Made my mother think it was actually dead. However it was moving about fine when i got home.

All items seem to point to water quality/poisening. but the water stats are showing totally great and there has been no other contaminant coming from the tank.

On the other side of pet things, a friend of mines got a number of Robovorski hamsters about 2 weeks ago and there was a really small one that I named Freya. She died tonight to be discovered mostly eaten by the other Robovorskis :(

Hopefully this will be the only pets dieing for a long time.
Just to update this post too, the poor wee guy died.

The aerator supplies 55-180 litres per hour, depending on how much the intake valve is open. I have it set somewhere between mid way and full, more towards full.
ok update.

everything seems fine, except one female seems to be hang around an opening in the middle of the tank and is chasing the rest, esp the males alot. not what id call shoaling.

the tank is being treated with an anti-fungas, finrot and mouth rot treatment as well as a small dose of aquarium freshwater salt added.

On top of this, im going away on holiday next week and have an automatic feeder set up, as well as a friend I trust well (after all, im looking after her hamsters and rats the week after i get back and she goes away) to check on the fish and give them a third feed every now and then.

Still I would like to give them a little something in their diet as a treat before i go away and was thinking some brine shrimpt, but would these be ok as they are only a little over and inch in size right now (i have no experience what so ever with anything other than flakes)

Any other food suggestions would be great, along with comments on this chasing behaviour the female is showing?

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