Since I changed around the flow in the tank a little bit, my pulsing xenia hasn't looked so great. So I went to move it to a different flow area, and it had attatched itself to a clump of caleurpa [for my tang] and a rock. It doesn't look good, so would it really attatch itself to a place thats not so good for it's wellbeing? Wouldn't it detatch if it wasn't happy? Or is it just too dumb for that? I have put a little higher flow rate for the area it is in, because that is what I believe the problem was.
When I got it, it was one big stock. It has since split into 5 or more smaller stocks, and I want to propagate it and put some in a different area in my tank, then sell the rest to my lfs. It seems so fragile, and I don't want to do it wrong, so let me get this straight. Do you just simply cut it with a razor blade and epoxy it to a piece of LR? Is there more to it than that, like a special spot on the coral to cut it? Thanks for any help!
Since I changed around the flow in the tank a little bit, my pulsing xenia hasn't looked so great. So I went to move it to a different flow area, and it had attatched itself to a clump of caleurpa [for my tang] and a rock. It doesn't look good, so would it really attatch itself to a place thats not so good for it's wellbeing? Wouldn't it detatch if it wasn't happy? Or is it just too dumb for that? I have put a little higher flow rate for the area it is in, because that is what I believe the problem was.
When I got it, it was one big stock. It has since split into 5 or more smaller stocks, and I want to propagate it and put some in a different area in my tank, then sell the rest to my lfs. It seems so fragile, and I don't want to do it wrong, so let me get this straight. Do you just simply cut it with a razor blade and epoxy it to a piece of LR? Is there more to it than that, like a special spot on the coral to cut it? Thanks for any help!