Is My Water Chemistry Ok?


Fish Herder
Mar 23, 2009
Reaction score
Co.Down Ireland
Nitrates: 0.79Mg
Nitrite: <0.015Mg
Ammonia: 0.019Mg
Conductivity: 9.0Us/cm
PH: 7.0Units
Iron: 43Ug/l
Manganese: 30Ug/l
are these water chemistry readings ok?!
which one can i tell water hardness of & what kind of fish not family will suit these water conditions and is well easy to breed, preferably that u could get alot of dough from the babys if u were to sell them to the LFS.

just a matter of interest which one shows chlorine?

:D it sure sounds like good readings to me anyway!!
yeah there all fine, there isnt a chlorine reading

what kind of fish though(preferably one that will reel in the money :lol:!!)
anything with your PH, fish are adaptable. are you planning on breeding?

yeah, kribs probably :D in a elite 95 tropical fish tank!
if there is no chlorine in the water does this mean i dont have to use a de-chlorinator!
there will be chlorine, they legally have to put it in.

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