Is my tetra pregnant?


New Member
Mar 12, 2004
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How on earth do you sex a black widow tetra? Im not sure if she/him/it is pregnant or just majorly fat! :lol:

She has been like it for 3wks max and is getting chased by the others.

Please help as i need to know what to do!

I'd say that's a pretty good sign that it's pregnant. try adding a little bit of cover in the tank to keep the others from pestering it.

If you want to keep the fry alive, you might want to move it and a bunch of other widows with it to another tank and then wait for the eggs.
With tetras I think this applys to all not just neon's when they start chasing her around and she is getting pretty big is a sign t hat she probably is pregant. Try to keep the light very dim in the tank until there is fry. Once that happens start increasing the light little by little. Hope everything works out, let us know what happens :D !
So put her into another tank with the other tetras

What kind of cover do i put in the tank?

Oh god i might be a mum soon!!

Cool ill put her in there and hope for the best. Cheers guys n gals!!

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