Is My Tank Too Small?


New Member
Apr 18, 2009
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Hi im new to fish keeping. I have a 5.7gallon tank which had 3 guppies in, went to my LFS told them what i had and what size of tank etc and they adviced me on what to get:

2 Blue Diamond Guppies
2 Black Mollies
2 Red Tetras
1 Silver Shark
2 catfish (different species but cant remember the species)
1 Bulldog Pleco

i also have 2 yellow tuxedo guppies and 1 orange tuxedo guppy they been in tank for over a year. Also took some of my water to my LFS which they tested and they said it was perfect.

having found this forum due to one of the mollies giving birth the night i got it and needing some advice/help ( the fry are now in a seperate 5.7gallon tank) i have read up more and also chatting on another forum. Someone on another forum said my tank is too small for the shark and mollies and also that they shouldnt have sold the tetras in less than a group of 6???

Im now worried for my fish :-( How big of a tank would i need if this is too small? We dont have much space.
Hi there, I'm afraid that you have been given some bad advice it seems,
Most of the species you have require a bigger tank, the Silver sharks for one will grow to around 13inches

IMO the only fish suitable for that tank would be the guppys
Hi im new to fish keeping. I have a 5.7gallon tank which had 3 guppies in, went to my LFS told them what i had and what size of tank etc and they adviced me on what to get:

2 Blue Diamond Guppies
2 Black Mollies
2 Red Tetras
1 Silver Shark
2 catfish (different species but cant remember the species)
1 Bulldog Pleco

i also have 2 yellow tuxedo guppies and 1 orange tuxedo guppy they been in tank for over a year. Also took some of my water to my LFS which they tested and they said it was perfect.

having found this forum due to one of the mollies giving birth the night i got it and needing some advice/help ( the fry are now in a seperate 5.7gallon tank) i have read up more and also chatting on another forum. Someone on another forum said my tank is too small for the shark and mollies and also that they shouldnt have sold the tetras in less than a group of 6???

Im now worried for my fish :-( How big of a tank would i need if this is too small? We dont have much space.

Sorry could you just clear up...have you already bought these new fish? If you have they must go back, and now. The overload on your filter adding that many fish if your first concern.
Secondly, you need a tank about 150l ish I reckon x
:-( oh no :-( :-( i went to LFS on over weekend and they adviced me that they would all be fine to go into my tank. I feel so bad! i should have looked up before i went but i thought the LFS would be best people for the right advice :(
silver sharks grow big
these are mine<just to show the size>
tank is 5feet long <60 inches>
hey ldavidson you should name & shame for that advice, they probably couldnt have given you any worse if they tried.

and id take beccimac's advice and take them back ASAP and demand a full refund & then find a proper lfs.

Good luck with it and hope it works out for you :good:

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