Is My Tank Too Full


New Member
May 25, 2004
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Hi guys i got a 70 gallon tank and was just wonderin if my tank is overcrowded, it dont't look it now, but then again the id sharks are only 8 inches(had them for 5 months). I know this is probaly wrong place to post but I truly am a beginer. My wife bought all these fish now i gotta take care of the tank and everything lol. Now I'm gettin addicted to the tank and worry all day at work and even loose sleep can u guys give me some suggestions? I got real good lights, a air stone, a auqaclear 200 and a magnum 350 filter, should i be ok or are some of these fish gona go missing? She did go overboard and now i just dont want the stuff dying! By the way most everything has been in there for at least a month(i.d sharks were first fish)

Thank You for any help :flex:
I found that a good rule of thumb is to allow 1 gallon of water for evey inch of fish. And if there is anyone who says otherwise, I point out those bettas that are kept in tiny bowls less then a gallon in size, and they are more then an inch. I would suggest going online and finding out how big they are going to get, then add all the fish lengths together, if it's less then 70, you should be ok.
i read that the sharks are actually worth a bit of money once they get bigger is that true and how could i sell them when they start outgrowing my tank?
I've never sold fish. The biggest question is who would you sell it to? Who else but your lfs? So perhaps ask them. The biggest think is who are you going to sell it to. We are just going to donate anyfish that gets too big for our tanks to our lfs. We don't care too much about the price since they brought us enjoyment and a little happiness while they were with us so it doesn't matter too much if we get anything for them. But, ask your lfs.

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