Is My Tank Temp Ok?


New Member
Oct 23, 2011
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British Columbia
I have 3 moores and 3 orandas in an 80gal tank and I have been keeping the tank temperature at about 70f. I just read the pinned topic on goldfish types and it states that orandas like the temperature between 74 and 78f. I thought I had done my research and most stuff I read stated 65 - 73f range. Should I bump the temperature up?
Well make a comprimise you cld put it up to 73f if you like i never kept mine at a constant temp i dnt have any anymore as i went to tropical but they do like a stedy temp
There seems to be a lot of mixed views on this. I decided to keep my 2 orandas at 24 celcius. I've had them for just over 2 months now and they seem very healthy and active. One was around 1.5 inches and the other was around 1 inch when I bought them, and now they are both around 2 inches. I would say it's safe to keep them at 24 celcius so go ahead and keep them at that temp if you wish.

I was just suggesting he did what he felt i wasnt saying go and do what i say lol

I gave up on goldfish i had so much trouble with them an i had no problems with tropical this i my true calling lol
I was just suggesting he did what he felt i wasnt saying go and do what i say lol

I gave up on goldfish i had so much trouble with them an i had no problems with tropical this i my true calling lol

Oh no, my comment wasn't in response to yours. I was just suggesting too lol.

I was at a new store today and the guy actually seemed to know something. He confirmed that 24c is a good temp, his tanks were 24c and the fish seemed more energetic than I see in most other stores. I'm slowly raising my temperature right now. Thanks for all of the input! :good:

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