Is My Tank Safe?


Fish Crazy
Sep 15, 2010
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I got the chance to set my fluval roma 240 up and running 4 weeks ago today. However when i was going to top up the water in the tank I noticed there is an air bubble in the glass near the top right hand corner. Ive since put lowerd the water level below the bubble and the tank is currently holding around 40 gallons of water and i think it holds around 55 when full.

Can anyone tell me how much this bubble will effect the strength of the glass? (also any advice on which light tubes to use in this setup would also be helpfull).

Thanks in advance.
Was the tank new when you bought it? If so it should be under warranty, and the store should swap it out.
bump* can anyone advise me further on this issue plz, I dont know whether to top up and just carry on or start looking for a new tank.
Could you post a pic - may help a bit.

Personally I don't like the sound of bubbles in aquarium glass but would like to have a gander...


Danny B
Still havent got round to taking pics but i will say this 'my tank is full and my floor is dry thank god'.

The bubble is tiny but stands out a mile to me because i know its there i just wish i had noticed it before i painted the back black so i could of painted over the bubble instead.

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